But did you know mini, menacing mosquitos--the "spiritual" kind--are all around you though, harrassing, annoying, distracting and diverting you from the work of the Lord in your life and through your life?
Mosquito Number One makes its grand entrance, buzzing around by day, when we're too BUSY to pray, then buzzing around by night, when we're too TIRED to pray. Communication with God gets lost in the craziness of your hecitic, busy days--you can make your own list of what you're doing--and all the while this little mosquito smiles away. He's diverted another Christian from the strength and power needed to fight the enemy....and he's the enemy! The devil would like nothing more than to keep you and me from a quiet time with our Lord. That's where our strength lies and he's won a battle when we're just TOO busy! Well, stop in your tracks--the house and the office work can wait.
Mosquito Numer Two and his cohorts take over! Listen to them confer among themselves: "Let's break down her Internet connection, let's get the kids in a major fight, let's cause criticism and hurts to annoy. She/he/they won't be able to focus on the work the Lord has called them ALL to do! They'll have to just focus on the hurts and the heaviness, the issues and irritations of life, and we'll build up the anxiety level till they're worthless for anything godly. No encouragement to others or service to God today--they're too busy swatting us all day!" Ever been there? I have--sometimes, the mosquitos come alone, sometimes in pairs, sometimes in a swarm--and you're left to swat the empty air in frustration, fear, anxiety, unbelief and despair.
Mosquitoes are tiny, little things, but let them buzz endlessly for minute after minute, which seems like hours, and they've GOT you! Stress mounts, anger flairs, irritation develops bigtime--and you've lost it, over a silly little mosquito! That's exactly what "he" wants--let the pressure build with the burdens and there goes her peace! There goes her rest in the Lord--out the window where the mosquito should be headed! Burdens are a part of life, but so many times we let them pile upon us without taking them to the Lord. The pressure builds and we've lost our peace. The little mosquito has done its job--he's happy and we're harrassed....but stop! There's hope for us all....read on!
Now here's where the fun begins! You see, you don't need any special equipment, except maybe a really good "swatter" to get the house and yard mosquito! But you are going to need bigtime equipment to get to the mosquitos under control in your spiritual life! You see, a tiny mosquito can become the "stronghold" of the house - unbelievable, but true. This miniature menace diverts, distracts and disturbs the life of the believer with annoyances, harrassments, little digs here and there, and then he smiles, for HE is in control! Now what to do--I mean, what to wear! Here it is--your guaranteed gear to successfully wear when swatting a spiritual mosquito. Ephesians 6:10-17 -- The Armor of the Lord.
So put on that helmet of salvation, wear that breastplate of righteousness, tighten up the tummy with the girdle of truth, get on those gospel-peace shoes, and hold up that shield of faith. Now you are fully dressed, and ready to wield the Sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God--and that dratty little mosquito who's been bugging you all week has to GO!! Bzzzz away, you mini-menacing critter. You have no place in the life of a child of God and we will NOT be diverted, distracted or disturbed any longer by your clever schemes! GO in the Name of the Lord!