Every month we answer the same few questions based on how things are currently going in our lives.
The questions are...
What am I eating this week?
I just got back from our annual Staff Retreat at school. We had some amazing food. See?
What am I reminiscing about?
Yesterday's Blogtember post was about a recent laugh or cry. I originally planned on writing about my dad and I even found a bunch of pictures to use for it. But, I didn't want to be a total downer. So I decided to go a different route. But it still brought back so many memories. Oh, I so miss him...

What am I loving?
I've been loving this tasty treat this week. Unfortunately, because it cost a small fortune at the American Food Store (yes, that's really it's name) here in Dakar, I'm having to slowly ration its contents and not pig out on it, like I'd like to do. Seriously... If anyone in the land of plenty (that's you, people living in the USA), want to mail me some, send me an email or comment on this post and I'll give you my mailing address. :)
What have I been up to?
Work definitely keeps me busy. But, at the risk of sounding corny and cliche', teaching truly does make me happy. I love that God allows me to do this job. It makes my heart smile :)
What am I dreading?
I'm worried that I'm jinxing myself by saying this, but...
Honestly, I can't think of anything I'm dreading at the moment. That's good. Right? :)
What am I working on?
I've been working on my Berean/Global University courses, preparing me for my Ordination with the Assemblies of God. I just registered for an extension on these classes, giving me until April to get them finished. ...just in time to go to the States this summer and take the Ordination test and sit in the Ordination interview. It's crazy at times to think that it wasn't too long ago that I started this process.
What am I excited about?
My students are super excited for tomorrow. They recently earned their next reward. And they chose for it to be a Pajama Day. ...a day where they could wear their pajamas to school and bring their stuffed animals with them to spend the day :)
And let's be honest. I'm stoked too. Although, maybe not for the same reason... I'm just excited about getting to wear comfy pajama pants all day tomorrow :)
What am I watching?
Lately while my students have been working in their small groups, I've been taking the time to watch their interactions with each other. I'm loving the amazing team work and "family" spirit I'm seeing in my 5th graders. It may have taken them a while to get to this point, but that's ok. They're actually getting it. And that makes this teacher happy :)
What am I reading?
I'm reading Running on Empty by Barbara Bancroft and I'm loving it! It's a book for women in ministry who are feel tired and worn down and feel like they're often "running on empty." And it points them (us) back on the right path of reclaiming our gift of belonging to Christ and being a part of furthering His Kingdom.
What am listening to?
I recently heard "Waiting on the Rain" by Misty Edwards and loved the lyrics!
It's BAMA football season. Roll Tide!

What am I doing this weekend?
I'm going with some co-workers to the monthly Farmer's Market here in Dakar. Then we're making a pit stop at the grocery store and maybe stop for lunch too. And also... My friend and I are going to pick up a skirt I ordered way back when from this lady. The long story made (not very) short is that my friend and I ordered skirts from her when we visited her shop the last weekend of May. She took our measurements and we told her we were about to leave for the summer, but we'd be back at the end of July and we'd call her. We then exchanged numbers and went on about our business. Well, about a week later, I'm riding by the area where her shop should be and it's gone. All the shops on that little road were totally gone. ...as in NOTHING there. I called my friend and told her and we both, sadly, assumed something had happened to her. Well, out of no where, my friend gets a call last week from the lady saying that she finally opened her new shop and she has our skirts. So my friend and I have decided to go this weekend and pick them up. And it's only 4 months after we ordered them. And can I be honest? This story is so totally typical to life here, but you know what? I love it!
What am I looking forward to next month?
I have a few fun project ideas planned for my 5th graders. I'm looking forward to implementing those. ...especially because I know how excited they'll be about them :)
What else is new?
It's hot season in Dakar. ...nothing new there. Just thought I'd share that it's hot.