Every month we answer the same list of questions based on how things are currently going in our lives.
The questions are...
What am I eating?
Nothing terribly exciting...
Except, maybe this white chocolate Reese's I had while prepping study guides for all of my exams over the weekend. This is my most favorite chocolate candy. So once the post office will start shipping here again, if someone wants to mail me some, I'd be totally fine with that. Just saying :)
What am I reminiscing about?
The 2019-2020 school year, which I wrote about on here last week. If you missed it, you can read it HERE. This year had so many good, happy moments in it. And while it definitely didn't end like we thought it was, it still was a good year. And one thing's for sure... We'll never forget this school year :)

What am I loving?
I'm loving that the school year is almost over.
My brain is tired.

What have I been up to?
This is our 8th week of Online Learning. And it's Final Exams Week. So far this week, I've shared Study Guides, reviewed with students, held lots of virtual meetings, and am prepared to administer exams today, tomorrow, and Friday.

What am I dreading?
What am I working on?
This is our 8th week of Online Learning. And it's Final Exams Week. So far this week, I've shared Study Guides, reviewed with students, held lots of virtual meetings, and am prepared to administer exams today, tomorrow, and Friday.
What am I dreading?
If I'm being honest, I'd say that I am not 100% thrilled to be here all summer. I love what I do. But I also love having a break each summer. And that would have been even nicer this year after working 10-12 hour days during Online Learning. But alas, Corona Virus is stupid. And yes, I know that some people in my line of work go years without seeing their families. But still...
And I feel like I need to also say... Finally having some down time, time to hang out with friends, time to read (for fun), time to rest (physically and spiritually)... All of that will be nice. I 100% know it will be good for me. But at the same time, I'm dreading the thought of missing out on my yearly trip back home and having time with my family.
And I feel like I need to also say... Finally having some down time, time to hang out with friends, time to read (for fun), time to rest (physically and spiritually)... All of that will be nice. I 100% know it will be good for me. But at the same time, I'm dreading the thought of missing out on my yearly trip back home and having time with my family.
What am I working on?
I will say... I am pretty excited about not having to set my alarm clock every single day. Catching up on sleep may just be #1 on my Summer To Do List. :)
What am I watching?
I've enjoyed watching Sunday services at my home church each week.
I've enjoyed watching Sunday services at my home church each week.
I haven't really watched a lot, in terms of TV and movies. I've been spending so much time in front of a screen because of my school shifting to online learning. So I've kind of enjoyed having a screens break when I got home each evening.
What am I reading?
What am I reading?
This past weekend, I started reading The Secret Letter by Debbie Rix. I haven't gotten far at this point, but so far it has been good. It's a bit intense. But still good...
What am I listening to?
Have you heard this one from People and Songs?
What am I wearing?
Nothing exciting...
We now have to wear our masks all the time on campus (except at home or if by ourselves in our classrooms). ...which I'm 100% okay with. I'm a big fan of protecting myself and others. I can live with a little momentary discomfort if it means we're being safe.

What am I doing this weekend?
Students are finished on Friday. My plan is to finish all of my grading before I leave Friday. Then I'll be sorting through the cabinets/shelves, prepping my classroom to be "closed" up for the summer. Next week is a work week. And I have a good bit of end of year paperwork (on the computer) to work on. So I figure if I can finish the "closing up" process this weekend, then I can focus on my computer work all next week. And then maybe I'll be done earlier than normal.
Summer Break
And that's what I'm up to this month.
What about you?
What are YOU up to this month?
What am I looking forward to next month?
Summer Break
And that's what I'm up to this month.
What about you?
What are YOU up to this month?