Happy Last Wednesday of 2021, Y'all

So, who's Elisabeth? ...just your average Jesus loving, Bible studying, travel loving, children teaching, recipe hunting, good book reading girl navigating living and working back in sweet home Alabama after more than a decade overseas.
Happy Last Wednesday of 2021, Y'all
Guess what!
I turned in my last assignment earlier this morning.
I paid my graduation fee (which was frustratingly expensive in my opinion, especially considering I wasn't at the ceremony, but whatever).
I still won't a lot of free time, this week because of work (both teaching and mission) responsibilities.
But still...
I'll be celebrating soon.
I'm also planning to read a book or two (for fun) this week in my "free" time.
I'm also planning to go to bed before midnight each night this week.
All because...
I am done.
I have graduated.
I now have my second M. Ed. degree.
Here's something not everyone knows about me.
I'm kind of a nerd. I love learning. I love taking classes and reading journal articles and doing research and writing papers and all of that. I love it. At one point, I even said I'd be a professional student if I could afford it. My dad was the same way, so I know I get that from him. And I meant that. I truly did.
But even with how much I loved (and do still love) it...
I am so very happy to be finished with this degree program.
The teaching part of my job (ministry) is a busy/challenging one. It requires me to put in many many hours after school and on the weekends. So add in completing a (second) Master's degree online while doing all the extra hours required by my teaching prep, along with the time required of me for my AGWM duties too...
Most weeks, this semester, I have barely had time to just stop and breathe.
So yes...
I am so glad to finally be done!
At this point, I feel like I'm at an awards show and I'm about to thank all the key figures, who helped in this accomplishment of mine. So, here we go.
Thank you to...
Caffeine keeping me awake all those late nights :)
Yum Yum for delivering pizza. YumYum pizza fed me almost every Tuesday night for the past few years. My classes all had assignments due each Tuesday night, so I'd let that to be my really late night each week. And since I had zero desire to cook on those nights, I got to know our local pizza restaurant's delivery guys pretty well.
iTunes supplying the music that I played in the background while I studied since studying in silence doesn't work for me :)
Friends who were also taking classes who'd commiserate with me via text almost every Tuesday night for the past couple years :)
Southeastern University for giving me the chance to earn this degree :)
My students for being the reason I chose this particular degree path - I learned so much that has helped me to be a better teacher for them.
Friends who put up with me not socializing much in the evenings :)
And God for giving me the strength to get it done.
Y'all... I did it.
I'm done.
Happy Wednesday, Y'all