Happy Wednesday, Y'all

Every month we answer the same list of questions based on how things are currently going in our lives.
The questions are...
In an effort to have a healthy breakfast AND to not have to actually turn on my stove (because it turns my already warm apartment into a sauna), I've decided to have a smoothie... Usually, I can drink it at home while getting ready. But sometimes, I take it with me to drink on my way to work...
What am I reminiscing about?
Time with family. I love being able to do what God's called me to do. But I do still miss my family and wish there weren't so many miles (or an ocean) between us...
What am I loving?
I'm loving being back in school with my students. I love the hectic routine of my job. I love working out all of their schedules, making all the little "pieces of the puzzle" fall into place. I love sitting with them and talking with them and teaching them all that's required in our classes. I love reading with them and watching their knowledge base grow and grow. I love seeing those "lightbulb" moments, when they finally get some topic they've been struggling with. I love learning about their lives. I love discovering how they best learn and being able to meet their needs. My job is challenging and at certain times of the year (like now), it's even a bit overwhelming. But I truly do love it.
Lesson planning. So much lesson planning...
What am I dreading?
The rain
You know, I love that the rain cools things down a bit around here. And granted, it's only around for a few months. But the rain is not my friend anymore. My ankles are so not happy when it's raining. Pain, swelling... It's just so not enjoyable. The arthritis in both ankles makes me feel like a little old lady when rain comes...
What am I working on?
Helping my people master opening a combination lock... And I may or may not be having flashbacks to my 9th grade year when I was stuck with an awful locker that was on the very far end of the hall and had a lock that would stick and refuse to open more times than not, making me late to my next class. I hated it! But hey, it's allowing me to have sympathy for my people. So I suppose it wasn't all bad. Was it? :)
What am I excited about?
Nothing terribly exciting is happening in my life at the moment... It's not that things are bad. They're just not over the top exciting ;)
What am I watching?
I've just started working my way through The Office. I've seen clips here or there online and watched an episode or two on TV over the years. But I decided to finally start at the beginning and slowly work my way through. I wasn't sure at first... But it's grown on me :)
What am I reading?
I'm currently reading my 30th book of the year, The Night Circus, by Erin Morgenstern. It's not really the type of book I would typically choose to read. But a friend recommended it and I'm actually enjoying it.
What am I listening to?
Last night, I heard the Kristene DiMarco's song Fear Not for the first time.
I love the lyrics of this song. My favorite part is at the beginning, when she says,
When life piles up and you're feeling overcome
Stand still and believe, I won't let you drown
When a cry's in your throat, watching all the waves below
Lift your eyes to the sky and trust that I won't pass you by
God definitely knew I needed to hear this song (and those specific lyrics) when I did. I'm so thankful for this reminder. ...that even when I feel the stress and feeling of being almost overwhelmed, with that cry "in my throat," I know He'll hold my head above the water. He won't just pass me by. What a great reminder!
What am I doing this weekend?
There's a dodgeball tournament at school this weekend. So at this point, I'm planning to go watch some of my students and co-workers play in that. Then I'll be doing my usual weekend routine... Lesson planning, grad school work, church, spending some time with friends, and resting/relaxing as I prep for the week ahead.
What am I looking forward to next month?
Nothing out of the norm...
Although, I am hoping to have my new A/C installed by then. But we'll see... I'm still waiting to hear back on a final price before I completely agree to it. So I suppose I am looking forward to that hopefully happening next month :)
What else is new?
Grad school... I finished one class yesterday and a new one starts this weekend. This one is on Educational Psychology, from a Christian perspective. And I'm looking forward to it. And let's be honest... I'm also looking forward to this being my next to last class. If all goes well with this class and the next one that starts in October, I'll finish by December. I love taking classes. I love learning new things. But doing so at the same time I'm teaching has been difficult. So very difficult. And considering this will be my second Master's degree, completed online, while teaching (teaching overseas, at that), I think I'm done with being a student after I get this degree. My brain is tired. :)
And that's what I'm up to this month.
What about you?
What are YOU up to this month?