Happy Wednesday, Y'all
Every month we answer the same list of questions based on how things are currently going in our lives.
The questions are...
The theme of this week has been tacos. I made a big batch of taco meat and beans. So I've had tacos or taco salad for my lunches/dinners the past few days. I also mixed up a big batch of trail mix and pre-portioned it out into individual servings so I could have quick and easy snacks for the week.
What am I reminiscing about?
This photo popped up in my Facebook memory feed the other day. I remember taking it last year, noticing my Montevallo hat, and thinking back to the day I changed my major towards the beginning of my college career because I knew I wanted (and was supposed) to be a Special Education Teacher. And when I shared this photo last year, I was sitting in my classroom, marveling at all God's done in my life/career since that day all those years ago. He still has. I love my work. I love that God allows me to do what I'm doing. And I love reminiscing about all the memories made throughout my years of teaching.
What am I loving?
Finally having a working A/C again at home. We're currently in the middle of Hot Season, where the temperature and the humidity are both ridiculously, over the top, high, which is quite unpleasant. So yeah... Having A/C again definitely makes life more tolerable/enjoyable :)
All the lesson prep...
What am I dreading?
I know I'll probably miss the rain when it's gone again. After all, once it finally stops here, it doesn't rain again for months and months. But y'all... I almost dread going anywhere lately, because I'm afraid I'm going to end up getting soaked by an unexpected rain shower and the accompanying massive water puddles everywhere after the rain is over.
What am I working on?
Doing a better job of looking for the beauty and goodness around me... I love the "flame trees" that bloom here in Dakar. They're so beautiful. And yesterday, when I walked out of my apartment building, I saw this one whose blooms had fallen off, given me the feel of Fall (even though it's a bazillion degrees outside right now, so nothing like Fall, for real)...
What am I excited about?
We have a 4 day weekend coming up not this weekend, but the next. I love my students. I love my job. But oh my word is my brain tired and I am most definitely excited about and ready for this upcoming break :)
What am I watching?
I'm working my way back through Friends. Yes, I've already seen every episode. But it's still funny. And it gives my brain a bit of a break at the end of a long work day. So I'm enjoying it.
What am I reading?
I just started my 33rd book of the year. It's a total "fluff" read, meaning it's a light, no real thought needed type of book. And since so many of the books I read are either for work/grad school, I enjoy the occasional "fluff" book.
What am I listening to?
Nothing new or exciting... Anyone have a recommendation for me?
What am I doing this weekend?
I told a friend I'd help her with something for her daughter's birthday party on Saturday morning. There's a lacrosse tournament at school Saturday night that I promised some of my kids I'd go to so I could watch them play. Then on Sunday, there's church and then afterwards, we're having an AG get-together. And at some point, I'll need to spend some time lesson planning and prepping for the upcoming week and to complete the week's grad school assignments. This weekend won't include a lot of down time or time to relax. But that's okay. The following weekend will be a 4 day weekend. So It'll even out in the end :)
What am I looking forward to next month?
Well, October will include 4-day weekend. And I am, for sure, looking forward to that. Past that, I have a few fun lessons/projects/experiments coming up with some of my classes that I'm looking forward to.
What else is new?
I applied for my grad school graduation. This will be my second master's degree. So if you add up my 13 years of traditional schooling + 5.5 years for my bachelor's + 3.5 years for my first master's +3 years for this master's ... By the time I graduate in December, I will have been a student for 25 years. It feels weird to be (almost) finished. People keep asking if me if I'm going to continue after this degree. At one point, I'd planned on getting my doctorate. And I actually would like to do that at some point. But I just don't think I can do that one online... I feel like it'd be a bit too much to handle at the same time as teaching (in a challenging teaching position, at that). So, I think my brain will be happy to no longer be a student for a change... :)
And that's what I'm up to this month.
What about you?
What are YOU up to this month?