Happy Wednesday, Y'all

Every month we answer the same list of questions based on how things are currently going in our lives.
The questions are...
We're out on Spring Break. So I'm actually cooking more than I usually do, when school is in session. Hello exhausted nights! Anywho - The other day I made some stir fry noodles, using up some random veggies I had in the fridge. And it was delicious.
I also made this lemon and blueberry pound cake with lemon glaze on top this past weekend. So good!
What am I reminiscing about?
Times with family…
What am I loving?
Sleeping late has been nice :)
See the answer above :)
What am I dreading?
The anniversary of my dad's death is next month. And when that day comes, it will somehow have been 7 years since he passed away. I've been missing him something fierce here lately. I suppose that's normal, given the anniversary is coming up. But still...
What am I working on?
I'm going to lunch with a friend today. But past that, I'm planning to work in my classroom for a chunk of the day, doing lesson planning/prep, and also, finally getting all of my paperwork sent in to my tax preparer too. Yes, it's still Spring Break. But I don't have the luxury of going completely work-free during my Break. So here I am :)
But hey… At least I can sleep a little later than normal before going in to work. So it's not too, too bad :)
What am I excited about?
My phone sadly started dying not long ago... As a result, I was unable to access cell service/data and the battery was draining super fast, too, meaning I could basically only use my phone when it was plugged into the wall and it was connected to wifi. But thanks to the incredible generosity of some amazing people, I was able to purchase a new phone and a pastor that came with a team from the US was able to bring it here for me. So I've been enjoying playing with it and getting to know my new phone.
What am I watching?
I recently started watching S.W.A.T. I've started from the beginning. And since the storylines are often a bit intense, I'm taking it a bit slowly. But I'm enjoying it.
What am I reading?
A friend wrote about this book on Facebook the other day. So I thought I'd check it out...
What am I listening to?
Mostly the quiet… :)
What am I wearing?
All the comfy clothes, thanks to it still being Spring Break.
What am I doing this weekend?
I’m going to dinner and the movies on Saturday. Yep, that’s right… a movie theater in Senegal! I'm a bit behind the times. It's been open for a few (more than a few) years. But I just haven't gone yet... :)
What am I looking forward to next month?
It'll still be Spring Break for the first week of the month. So that ranks pretty high on my list of things I'm looking forward to. Past that... We have a visitor from the States coming to help us with some Special Ed. Testing. That's pretty exciting, since it's a definite need and this lady is sacrificing her time (and finances) to come and do this at no cost to our families, which is such a big blessing! So I'm definitely looking forward to that happening.
Also, there's Easter. I love being able to teach my students about this holiday, sharing the truth of what we, as Christians, believe. I'll also attend a sunrise service being held here at the school on Easter, which I always enjoy.
What else is new?
I was supposed to be going to a conference in a Prague next week. But, due to COVID and the Russia/Ukraine fighting, they cancelled the conference. And while I admit that I was, indeed, bummed at first, my new plans have worked out pretty nicely. I’m enjoying the slower pace of life that accompanies the arrival of Spring Break. I’m forcing myself to just enjoy having little on my schedule, and not over-committing myself to too much.
And that's what I'm up to this month.
What about you?