Happy Monday, Y'all
I'm joining Jennifer from Overflowing with Thankfulness, along with a few other bloggers, and sharing a look at what's currently going on in my life.
The prompts for this month's post are:
* loving * doing * trying * seeing * reading *
So what am I currently up to?
I'm currently loving the fact that God has let me work with such incredible kids over the years I’ve spent here in Dakar. Whether it be ones I taught, once I worked with in various clubs, or one who have been part of a class I sponsored… I’ll tell anyone. Why am I here? For the kids.
I'm currently doing a lot. Well, I was… Thankfully I’m on my Summer Break now, and will be heading back to the States for a few weeks. Y’all my brain is tired and I’m ready for a bit of a break. I’ll still be working. It’s not a complete vacation. But still…
I'm currently trying to not be anxious about the political situation in Senegal. It’s been mostly calm this past week. But knowing that the presidential elections are in February… I’m imagining it’ll ramp back up again in the upcoming year.
I'm currently seeing my family. Or, rather, I will be tomorrow. I’m so ready, y’all!
I'm currently reading nothing. But I did order this book on Amazon the other day. I'm planning to read it over the summer. It's hard to believe that I'll be teaching seniors next year. SENIORS! Y'all... That's craziness! :)

So what about you?
What are you currently up to?