My ipod's not working. An error message popped up and when I called the technical support people the lady sent me an e-mail of things to try, none of which have worked. So either a miracle happens and my ipod starts working again, or I'm going to have to call in on my warranty (I've only had it 6mths.) and get another one, which will be hard since they're in America and I'm in Africa! Grr to technology...
This is my latest status update on Facebook. And I called my mom on Skype and as soon as she asked how I was doing, I launched into a big spill about my ipod not working and blah, blah, blah and why me. And in the midde of my moaning and groaning and pity party, I remembered something.
Just last week gave a devotion at school, in which I said -- Remember, we need to not worry, but be happy. Plus, technology isn't all bad. It does make my life a LOT easier and it helps me stay in contact with all my family and friends since we're separated by thousands and thousands of miles. Plus, I've only had my ipod for less than 6 months, so it's still under warranty, so I could have it replaced/fixed.
My point is this...Sometimes we focus so much on the bad things that happen in life, that we forget good things happen too. We need to take time daily to thank God for all of these good things, like...
1) We didn't have running water when I woke up today, but it came on later in the day.
2) The electricity has not gone off in almost a full week.
3) I'm surrounded by people that daily encourage me.
4) I'm teaching in a Christian school -- which means I can post scripture on the wall and I can pray in class, all without fear.
5) I'm in Africa. I'm working with children. I'm doing what God has called me to do.
6) I'm saved, filled with the Holy Spirit, and working on the mission field.
7) God loves me.
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