Tuesday, July 3, 2012

The Patriotic Dear ______ Post

Dear America, Today is the day we, your citizens, celebrate your independence. So in honor of your special day today, I thought I'd write a special Dear _________ Post, including a few American-made things I like. 

Dear Football, You are my most favorite sport to watch being played. You provide an almost adrenaline rush. I love it! 

Dear Baseball, I may not like playing you, but I love watching you being played. You are definitely an American past time. Thanks for being such a fun game to watch.

Dear Telephone, You have turned out to be a great invention. I wonder if Mr. Bell ever dreamed of what you'd become when he first invented you way back when. 

Dear Corndogs, You are a tasty snack that I enjoy when I'm in the States. Thanks for always being such a delicious snack. P.S.  Did you know you are turning 70 this year?

Dear Post-it Notes, I absolutely, positively, 100 percent-ly LOVE you. As a teacher, you are one of my top 10, most favorite supplies to have. I stock up on you every time I'm in the States for a visit. Any time someone asks what I'd like in a care package, I add you to the list. You are perfection in a squared shape. Keep up the good work Post-its!

Dear Cupcakes, You are such a fun little treat. You can't help but smile when eating a cupcake. My personal favorite are strawberry cupcakes with strawberry frosting. ...or maybe chocolate cupcakes with chocolate frosting. I guess it's a tie. :)

Dear Peanut Butter, You are one of my favorite foods. I love you on toast, in a sandwich, with apples, and even just by yourself. 

Dear Fortune Cookies, I had no idea that you were invented here in the good ol' USA. According to the Houston Press, a Japanese-American immigrant, living in California in the 19th century invented you. Go figure. 
Dear Cranberries, I have always loved your yummy goodness. I love you in your fresh, dried, and juice form. I love baking you into cakes, muffins, and cookies too. You're such a versatile fruit. And you're healthy too. So you get double the "brownie points."

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