Saturday, September 22, 2012

The 31st Dear _____ Post

Dear Freezer Pops, I already love you, but thanks to a cold/sore throat earlier this week, I consumed way too many a healthy amount of you. Thanks for being there for me when I needed you Freezer Pops. As long as you exist here, I'll keep purchasing you.

Dear Soulprint by Mark Batterson, You are the book I'm currently reading. I'm learning a lot from you. It seems like every time I pick you up to read more, I think once again, that you were written just for me.

Dear People in Western Countries Making Facebook Comments about all Muslims being terrorists or extremists, Do you realize that 1) This isn't true. All are not evil. 2) This is like saying all Westerners are Christian. 3) By calling people ugly derogatory and hateful names, you're so not showing a Christian witness. 4) The Crusades were done in the name of Christianity and lasted for a long time so there were bad people associated with Christianity too. 5) Many Americans (including myself) live in foreign countries where we live near, work with, and are friends with Muslims who are kind, respectful, and good people. 6) If you're a Christian, you can love someone while still hating their sin. You shouldn't hate someone because of their choice of religion OR because some people (not all) that practice their religion have chosen to commit horrible acts of violence and hate.

Dear Meatball Sliders, I found a recipe for you earlier this week. You look like you'll be easy to make and will taste amazing. And since a store in town now carries frozen meatballs, you'll be even easier to make. I'm going to be making you tomorrow night for our monthly A/G fellowship dinner. ...can't wait to try you out!

Dear Voting Overseas, In a few days I'll be able to register to do you. I've been told it's a fairly easy process. Now if choosing who (whom?) to vote for was that easy this year... :)

Dear Worn Pot Holder, I should have thrown you away a long time ago. But no, I decided to keep you. How did you repay me? With 4 small burns on my hand. Thanks for that. ...not!

Dear Storage in my Classroom, I have been in major need of you for a while. I was just telling God about this the other day, praying for an answer, and wouldn't you know it? He came through. I love that God loves me so much that He answers even the little, not terribly important requests I have, such as this one.

Dear Meningitis Vaccine, I received you yesterday. Don't worry Dad. It was given by a well trained and certified nurse from Canada that works at our school. For anyone that knows me well, you know I don't really care for doctors, dentists, nurses, etc. Let me just be honest. When it comes to stuff like this, I'm just a big scaredy cat. :) Anywho - This vaccine was necessary since I'll be traveling within Africa soon and the nice people at the airport like to see this vaccine is one I've had. So, alas, I did it (here where it's like a gazillion times cheaper than in the USA). And oh my word - it hurt like something awful was just fine.

Dear Milk, After 3 years of living here, I FINALLY have found milk that I can drink. Due to not liking the taste of basically all milk here, I've refrained from drinking it. But all that's changed, thanks to the arrival of this German-made boxed goodness.

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