Happy last Wednesday of October Y'all!
Today I'm joining Mel, Shay, and Sheaffer for their What's Up Wednesday link-up.
Today I'm joining Mel, Shay, and Sheaffer for their What's Up Wednesday link-up.
Every month we answer the same few questions based on how things are currently going in our lives.
The questions are...
What am I eating this week?
We have a local place who does lunch deliveries at school 3 days a week. I can't afford to get lunches this way all the time. But sometimes it is such a nice treat. Case in point... Check out my lunch from this past Friday. This salad was delicious!
We have a local place who does lunch deliveries at school 3 days a week. I can't afford to get lunches this way all the time. But sometimes it is such a nice treat. Case in point... Check out my lunch from this past Friday. This salad was delicious!
What am I reminiscing about?
Trips to Gulf Shores. James Spann, one of our local AL weather guys posted these pictures on Facebook the other day and it made me miss the Gulf so much. I have so many happy memories from trips to the beach, to visits with friends who live not terribly far from there, to doing my Grad School internship down that way, to church. So many fun memories. Ah, what I'd give to be able to visit down that way...
Trips to Gulf Shores. James Spann, one of our local AL weather guys posted these pictures on Facebook the other day and it made me miss the Gulf so much. I have so many happy memories from trips to the beach, to visits with friends who live not terribly far from there, to doing my Grad School internship down that way, to church. So many fun memories. Ah, what I'd give to be able to visit down that way...
What am I loving?
What have I been up to?
Hanging out with some cool kids
Hanging out with some cool kids

What am I dreading?
Honestly, there's nothing that I'm dreading at the moment.
What am I working on?
I must do some major fundraising. I'm still waiting to hear the exact amount. But let's just say I need quite a lot raised by June in order to stay on the field. People so generously gave to help me furnish this class. And oh my, did it help. But it took far more than people gave. So now that I've furnished the class, I've basically depleted my funds. And since a typical year long itineration (fundraising) time would not work in my situation, I need to do things a bit differently. I need to start raising funds now, while overseas. There's 7 months 'til I leave for the Summer. So I need to do a lot of leg work ahead of time. Then, I'll have approx. 7 weeks in the States this summer and will be traveling around speaking at churches then as well, working to finish raising funds.
And here's the thing... I know that I am exactly where God wants me to be, doing exactly what God wants me to do. And I absolutely positively have to raise these funds. So, what am I working on at the moment? Fundraising...Major fundraising.
And if you feel led to help with this, send me an email at enichols85@gmail.com and I'll tell you how you can be a part of what God's doing at my school, in this country I so dearly love, and beyond.
And here's the thing... I know that I am exactly where God wants me to be, doing exactly what God wants me to do. And I absolutely positively have to raise these funds. So, what am I working on at the moment? Fundraising...Major fundraising.
And if you feel led to help with this, send me an email at enichols85@gmail.com and I'll tell you how you can be a part of what God's doing at my school, in this country I so dearly love, and beyond.
What am I excited about?
I'm excited about Kids Club each week. It makes for a super long and exhausting day. But it's such a fun time with our elementary kiddos. I love getting to hang out with them, teach them, learn from them, and share the love of Jesus with them. It's great! And we had a new adult start helping us this week which was a huge blessing!

What am I watching?
The only show I watch on a consistent basis is the Big Bang Theory.
What am I reading?

What am I reading?
Since my last What's Up Wednesday post, I finally finished The Orphan's Tale by Pam Jenoff. Plus, I also read Look Again by Lisa Scottoline. And then the other day, I started reading Wedded to War by Joceyln Green.

What am I listening to?
Here lately, when I'm working around the house, or in my classroom during prep time before/after school and on the weekends, I have been listening to various Anthem Lights songs on Youtube. My favorite so far is this cover of The Doxology.
And have you heard the song, "I Will" by Citizen Way? One of my co-workers shared it with us in staff devotions the other morning and Wow! It's amazing how the lyrics of a song you've never heard before seem to be speaking directly to you! Total God thing on the perfect timing of this song.
What am I wearing?
A friend sent me this necklace this past summer, knowing I was planning a puzzle themed decor and also the significance of the puzzle piece in terms of my job as a Special Education teacher. Isn't it cute? Even if it turned my neck green... :)
What am I wearing?
A friend sent me this necklace this past summer, knowing I was planning a puzzle themed decor and also the significance of the puzzle piece in terms of my job as a Special Education teacher. Isn't it cute? Even if it turned my neck green... :)
What am I doing this weekend?
Friday is a half day of classes, followed by Parent Teacher Conferences, followed by our school's Harvest Fest. Once my conferences are over, I'll work in my classroom a bit and then I'll probably head out to make an appearance at my school's Harvest Fest and grab some dinner there. I'll then come back and work in my classroom a while. My goal is to finish everything up on Friday, so I can enjoy a school work-free weekend since I have a lot to do at home on Saturday.
Then, on Saturday, a friend is coming over for breakfast and we're going through Christmas decorations I've stored for her to separate out what's hers and what's mine. Then I'll go out and watch our elementary kids play basketball. And after that, I'll go back home and start working on support raising preparations...
On Sunday, I'll go to church. Then I'll head home and make lunch, catch up on reading and maybe even get in a nap. Then I'll do some meal prep for the week ahead.

What am I looking forward to next month?
Thanksgiving meal with my fellow AG-ers!
Turkey Bowl (American football) at my school
3 1/2 days off from school!
Catching up on sleep on those 3 1/2 days :)
Thanksgiving meal with my fellow AG-ers!
Turkey Bowl (American football) at my school
3 1/2 days off from school!
Catching up on sleep on those 3 1/2 days :)

What else is new?
In our staff devotions one day last week, a co-worker spoke about hanging our burdens, worries, etc. to the cross. It may have taken me almost 24 hours to get to the point of it, but God totally helped me with this. Y'all, peace is a beautiful, beautiful thing.
And then, each month there is a special question.
This month's question is...
What's your favorite Thanksgiving side dish?
This month's question is...
What's your favorite Thanksgiving side dish?
I'd have to say that it is a tie between Potato Salad and Green Bean casserole. Both are equally YUM! :)
So what are YOU up to this month?