Happy Monday, Y'all

Every month we answer the same list of questions based on how things are currently going in our lives.
So let's get started...
I wanted fries the other night, but didn't have any frozen ones in the freezer. So I decided to make some homemade fries and then seasoned them with garlic salt. Seriously y'all... So quick/easy/delicious!
What am I reminiscing about?
Times with my dad... It's hard to believe that he passed away 7 years ago. At times, it really does seem like it happened just yesterday. I've been struggling a bit lately and I just keep thinking about how much I wish my dad were here, so I could talk with him about it... Not to mention, how I hate it for my mom, knowing that last week would've been their 38th anniversary.
What am I loving?
I've been loving the weather we've been having lately. It's cool at this time of year, but not freezing. And the sun's out, but it's not so hot, as to make us feel like we're going to have a heat stroke. So yeah... Definitely loving it right now :)
Helping all of my people plan their schedules for next year... There are so many different "puzzle pieces" to figure out. I love that part of it. But even so, there are so many other aspects of schedule creating for my people that is hard. So my brain is working in overdrive at the moment :)
What am I dreading?
Nothing really...
What am I working on?
There's so much going on in my head at the moment. My job is not always the easiest. Teaching is hard. Teaching Special Education is really hard. Teaching Special Education overseas is super hard. So yeah... I'm working on weeding through the mental to do list I have at the moment...
What am I excited about?
I got a new stove. The burners on mine were slowly going out, which made cooking a bit tricky. So, I'm a little excited about cooking again. So there's that :)
What am I watching?
I'm wrapping up a Creation/Evolution unit in one of the science classes I teach. So we've been watching all sorts of little videos about those, all in hopes to make this mostly abstract topic more engaging for my people.
What am I reading?
One of the joys of teaching at a Christian school is being able to teach and study the Bible with students. I love reading through various parts of Scripture with my people. I love seeing them enjoy their reading/studying. And I love how well they're learning what we're studying.
What am I listening to?
Is it sad to say that by the time Saturday comes along, I look forward to listening to silence? My days are full with teaching and meetings and such. And I love my students. I love doing what I'm doing. But it's exhausting. So while I love my people, I also love my quiet Saturdays too ;)
What am I wearing?
Nothing terribly exciting... I do need to pick up a few things when I'm in the States this summer. Line drying clothes in the almost constant harsh sun/sand takes its toll on clothes here. That's for sure. So, I figure I'll look for some deals when I'm back there this summer.
What am I doing this weekend?
Well, considering the weekend's over... I'll, instead, answer what I did over the weekend. I did very little that was productive, to be honest. I stayed in my classroom late on Friday, finishing up lesson planning just so I could relax over the weekend. Then Saturday I rested/relaxed and did a little meal prep. And on Sunday, I was in bed with a massive headache most of the morning and when I could finally sit up and look at my computer screen long enough to do so, I did a little lesson planning last night. Sometimes, God knocks me flat of my back to get me to slow down. I can be a little stubborn, after all ;)
What am I looking forward to next month?
The arrival of May means we're one month closer to Summer Break. So there's that. I'll also be able to finally buy my plane tickets for the summer too, once I get paid in mid-May. So that's exciting too! Y'all... The price of plane tickets is no joke! And contrary to popular belief, it is not a mission expense. So I save up and pay for it out of pocket. But that's okay. It's 100% worth it. Anywho - Past all of that, I've got some fun stuff planned with my classes this month - experiments and projects and novels to read... :)
Favorite Recent Amazon Find?
My black sandals "died" and needed to be replaced. So a friend who made a recent trip to the States was kind enough to bring back this pair I ordered from Amazon. They're nothing fancy. But they're super comfy and they meet the shoe dress code requirements at work. So, I'm calling them a win.
What else is new?
Nothing much :)
And that's what I'm up to this month.
What about you?