Happy Thursday, Y'all

Every month we answer the same list of questions based on how things are currently going in our lives.
So let's get started...
I've been working through lunch since school started back. So I've been trying to plan breakfasts that are filling enough to keep me full all day, with just a quick snack added in at some point during the day. So far, so good 😊
What am I reminiscing about?
This month, I started my 14th year of teaching and my 12th year at Dakar Academy. The start of a new school year always makes me think back about years past. It’s always a good way to think about the ways God has blessed me in this ministry He has called me to do…
What am I loving?
I'm loving being back with my students. My job is, by no means, easy, and that’s especially true this year... But I love working with my people. So I’m happy :)
What am I dreading?
Going outside. Y'all, we're in the middle of Hot Season here in Dakar. And we haven't even gotten to the worst of it yet. I feel like I walk outside and am instantly pouring sweat. Yuck!
What am I working on?
Class (co-) Sponsoring - This year it involves leading the kids as they run the school Cantina (snack shop) and helping them to prepare for a couple big events happening this year too. It's a big responsibility and I'm super grateful to have another lady working on this with me. That's for sure :)
What am I excited about?
This place just re-opened down the road from us. I went this past weekend with a student and I’m heading back tonight with a friend. It’s such a nice place to “escape” for a bit, to enjoy a tasty treat, to work on the computer, or to just hang out. I’m so glad it’s so close!
What am I watching?
I'm re-watching The Office again. ...just an episode here or there 'til I finish going through it all over again. It's such a funny show!
What am I reading?
I just started reading my 19th book of the year. I've slowed down a lot on my reading. I think my brain is just so tired by the time I get home from work each day. So I'd rather do something that uses far less brainpower than reading. ha! :)
What am I listening to?
Nothing new/exciting
What am I wearing?
Ponytails...Messy Buns...Anything that keeps my hair off the back of my neck. It's just too hot for anything else, at this point. That's for sure.
What am I doing this weekend?
We have soccer games on campus on Saturday, and our juniors will be selling breakfast and snacks. So I'll be helping with that. Past that, I'll be lesson planning, going to church, and that's about it. Hopefully, I'll be able to even squeeze in a nap. Exciting plans, I know. ;)
What am I looking forward to in September?
We have a 4-day weekend (Fall Break) the last weekend of September. And I'm definitely looking forward to that. Past that, I have some fun stuff planned for my students in the various classes I teach, that I’m looking forward to.
What else is new?
The rain in Dakar has been rather intense this year. And since most roads don’t have the best drainage, it often floods many place. I’ve never seen it as bad as it’s been this Rainy Season.
And that's what I'm up to this month.
What about you?
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