Monday, October 9, 2023


Happy Monday, Y'all

I'm joining Jennifer from Overflowing with Thankfulness, along with a few other bloggers, and sharing a look at what's currently going on in my life. 

The prompts for this month's post are:

* loving * excited about * watching * seeing * observing *

So what am I currently up to?

I'm currently loving what I'm teaching. I've always loved lesson planning. I love researching activities to meet the needs of the students I'm teaching. I love finding creative ways to instruct my students and give them the needed tools to successfully master the standards for their various grade levels. I love finding little ways to make learning more enjoyable for them. Research has always been enjoyable to me and since this is sort of a form of research, I think that's why I like it so much...

I'm currently excited about this school year with my people. I'm soaking in all the things... Lessons I'm teaching, students' sporting events, small groups, class parties, senior/graduation events, chats with students, all of it... I'm enjoying it all and I'm so grateful to be here doing what I'm doing.

I'm currently watching nothing. I really do think I could enjoy living my life without TV. Just saying.

I'm currently seeing the price of plane tickets go up and up. I'm planning to buy my Christmas Break flight tickets in November. Here's hoping that price goes down before then...

I'm currently observing how God's working in a situation that is not quite ready to be shared. I love how God perfectly opens/closes doors, making His perfect will for our lives clear. And while it's often not on our own (even preferred) timing, it's on His. And that's what is most important :)

And since it's my blog, and I can, I'm throwing in a few more Currently's...

I'm currently drinking more water. If I can have ice and a straw, it's definitely far easier for me to drink water. And thankfully, it's better this year because I actually have planning periods this year, which means I have more time to break during the day if need be due to drinking all that water. Ha! :)

Although, let's be honest... I'm also enjoying drinking pumpkin spice chai lattes from a little tea garden down the street. I won't be able to drink them all the time, but y'all... This little weekly treat I buy myself is amazing. Just saying :)

I'm currently spending time laminating each week and I love it. I love the tediousness of it. I love that it's something quiet and simple I can do at the end of my day, as a way of "unwinding," all while helping out my co-workers. I enjoy it.

I'm currently reading and studying the book of Genesis, as part of a Ladies Bible Study I'm participating in AND as part of one of the classes I teach. And once again, I'm reminded about what a gift it is to 1) teach in a Christian school and 2) to learn new things from the Word of God each time I read it even if I've read the same passage (book) many, many times throughout my lifetime. 

So what about you?

What are you currently up to? 


  1. Definitely think I could live (and love) my life without tv. It drains my joy. Pumpkin spice drinks really help with my joy, however! And I have never thought of laminating as unwinding but you might be onto something!!

  2. I wouldn't have much problem living without TV either. I occasionally watch something with someone else, but it's so rare that I say "hey let's watch TV". I'm not nearly as enamoured of pumpkin spice coffee drinks as other people, but a pumpkin spice chai latter - yes!! Visiting from Currently#19
