Welcome to the September Installment of The Elisabeth Chronicles! It’s hard to believe that on September 30, I will have been in Senegal for 2 months. The time has definitely flown by!
We’ve been in school for almost 6 weeks now. I now have 9 students, with two more coming in the next few weeks. My class will be comprised of 6 boys and 5 girls. There are 4 Americans, 1 British, 1 Brazilian, 1 Nigerian, 1 Senegalese, 1 Saudi Arabian, 1 Indian, and 1 from Cameroon. Of those, 6 are from missionary families, 3 are from embassy families, and 2 are from business families. Only 7 of these families are of the Christian faith. Of the others: One is Muslim, one is Hindu, and the other two are unknown. Please pray for my students (and the school’s other students as well). Pray that the Christian values we are teaching them stick. Pray that one day, these students will be able to take what they’ve learned back to their “home” countries and spread the Gospel there.
Since I last wrote, I had the pleasure of going on Dakar Academy’s Staff Retreat to the nearby city of Saly. We stayed in a very nice “resort,” where I was able to enjoy the luxury of the swimming pool, the beach and nearby shops, good food and fellowship, and air conditioned rooms. *This is always a plus here. :) It was a great time of rest and relaxation and fellowship with my fellow staff/board members. I also got to spend a little more time getting to know the McLanes during this time as well. I feel so privileged to have been given the opportunity to work with, learn from, and get to know this missionary family.
I have also started reading a new book: Twelve Ordinary Men by John MacArthur. It is about the lives of the twelve disciples of Jesus and how they were just ordinary men called to do great things for God. I’ve always questioned why God chose me to be in the ministry. I often feel that I’m not a great speaker or leader. I still get nervous when I speak in front of a group of people. I’m not the best at remembering the exact scripture verse to give someone in different situations. I don’t possess any awesome talents or skills. I often feel that I’m just too ordinary to be used by God. But then I remember something. God takes ordinary people and transforms them into something extraordinary. Just as Jesus chose twelve “ordinary” men and trained them to spread His Gospel, He chose me and is training me to do the same.
A lot of people have been asking for a list of items I need/want. So in this e-mail, I’ve included a sort of wish list. Please know I’m not sending this asking for these items, I’m just responding to what a lot of people have asked. J Also, if you do send a package, know that it’s typically cheaper to send one in a flat-rate US Postal box and please let me know when you mail it, so I can be prepared to pay the small tax/fee to pick it up. If you have any questions about what can or can’t be sent or anything else, please let me know. Also, if you would like any contact information (address, phone numbers) for me, please let me know.
Thank you all for your prayers and support. This means so incredibly much to me. It is so wonderful to know I have so many people “back home” and abroad supporting me while I am fulfilling the call God has placed on my life. When you pray, I ask that you specifically remember these things…1) Pray for Dakar Academy and its teachers and students. 2) Pray for all the lost people in Senegal. 3) Pray for the missionaries in Senegal, working to further the kingdom of God. 4) Pray for me. I am starting French classes today (the 28th). Also, [ray that I do the things God wants me to do, say the things God wants me to say, and go to the places God wants me to go.
If you already support me each month financially, I thank you from the bottom of my heart. If you do not, and would like to, please contact me at
enichols85@gmail.com and I can tell you how to do so. Any donations you make would be tax-deductible.
May God Bless,Elisabeth Nichols
enichols85@gmail.com Elisabeth’s Wish List
Ziploc-type bags (all sizes – freezer and regular) – doesn’t have to be Ziploc bag (Dollar Tree brand is what I bought)
Nuts – you can take them out of the can (if they’re canned) and put in bags to save weight/$
Dried fruit
Candy (nothing that would melt too bad preferably)
Ranch dressing mix
Italian dressing mix
Seasoning packets (any kind)
Brownie/Cookie/Muffin mixes (usually smaller/weigh less)
Cornbread mixes
Packaged, microwaveable meals (those quick ones – nothing expensive)
Snack foods (nothing that would melt too bad preferably)
Individual packets of grits (I’m from the south and I love them…what else can I say?)
Pop-Tarts (doesn’t have to be name brand – my favorite kind is the strawberry ones)
Stickers, pencils, or other small (cheap) toys to give as prizes to my students
Sticky notes (doesn’t have to be post-it brand – any brand is fine)
Lined, looseleaf paper
Cinnamon flavored gum
Note cards or stationery/envelopes (really any kind of paper/cards and/or envelopes)
Lead pencils (any size) and lead
Ink pens (I really like the SHARPIE brand ink pens and flair brand colored pens, but I would honestly be happy with any kind.)
Christmas time – candy canes
Chocolate chips
Peanut butter
Kool-aid (any flavor) or flavored water packets
Jello and Instant pudding mixes
Clear Tape (any brand – doesn’t have to be scotch brand)
Books (no big preferences – except that they be clean and nothing sci-fi/mystery preferably)Magazines (no big preferences)
Puzzle books
Holiday Decorations (inexpensive ones – wall decorations, plates/napkins, stickers, etc.)
Games (board games or card games – nothing expensive…just small to save on packing/$$)
T-shirts (adult XL) – clothes take a real beating here between the sun fading the fabric, and the harsh sand and water too
American stamps (There are always people going back to the US that can mail letters for us.)Dvd’s or TV shows on dvd’s (I’m not hard to please… Just ask If you’d like to see what I already have first, just ask…)
Cd’s (same as dvd’s/tv shows)
Itunes gift cards
Online Gift Certificates (I know Amazon.com ships overseas and many others do too…)