Monday, August 6, 2012

27 Things I Plan To Do In My 27th Year

27 Things I Plan To Do This Year
  1. Unpack EVERYTHING in my new apartment. (Ask anyone that's lived with me before...I tend to wait a LONG time to do this.)
  2. Organize my apartment (...and keep it organized). 
  3. Meal plan every week.
  4. Learn to make bread. (This will help me achieve #17.)
  5. Eat healthier.
  6. Fix/freeze at least one large meal every weekend (that can be eaten over the course of the next week).
  7. Eat breakfast EVERY day.
  8. Exercise at least 5 days a week.
  9. Set goals for weight loss and celebrate successes. (I know me. If I give myself incentives for reaching goals, I'll do better.)
  10. Organize my classroom (...and keep it organized). 
  11. Stay "on top of" grading. Have one day every week set aside, to be devoted to grading.
  12. Upload pictures to Facebook sooner to keep my family happier. :)
  13. Memorize a Bible verse (or passage) every week.
  14. Spend more time journaling.
  15. Read more books for fun.
  16. Entertain more. (...once every other week, maybe). I love entertaining, so this one should be easy! :)
  17. Save more money.
  18. Don't overdo it on spending when in the States. ( hard when you're only around that stuff once or twice a year) :)
  19. Be more intentional about writing notes/letters to people. (...not just e-mails).
  20. Learn to be ok with sometimes saying "no." (...I tend to agree to do/help out with a lot...often at my own expense/well-being.)
  21. Call my grandparents more often. (...and visit them more when in the States)
  22. Research the presidential candidates. Learn about each of them in order to make a more informed/intelligent vote. 
  23. Read more news than just YAHOO news. Learn about the world in more than short articles with pictures on Yahoo :)
  24. Spend less time on Facebook. 
  25. Try new foods (...especially ones I call "gross" and have either never tried or haven't tried in a long time).
  26. Treat myself. (...not bragging, but I do tend to do a lot for others and rarely anything for myself).
  27. Prioritize sleep. Quit staying up too late or getting up way earlier than needed. Just enjoy the rest :)

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