Tuesday, August 14, 2012

The Back to School ABCs Version of a Dear _____ Post

Dear Alphabet Poster, I got a new version of you this year. You're bright, colorful, and fun. You're something we go over daily in 1st grade and the kids love it. It's funny to see how excited they get to recite the alphabet. :)

Dear Bugs, You're the decorating theme that I chose for my classroom this year. Since I found out I was having more boys than girls, I thought it'd be an appropriate choice. And I must say, it turned out pretty cute :)

Dear Classroom, This will be our third year together. I love your layout, your location, and the memories you've given me. Your only negative is the need for more storage. But that's ok. I've found ways to work around that issue :)

Dear "Dear _____ Posts," I'm guessing that starting this coming Saturday, you're going to include more amusing items. There's something about being with a group of 6 year olds 7 hours a day, 5 days a week that gives you quite the assortment of funny stories. :)

Dear English, This is the first year that the majority of my students will be speakers of you. All but two will come in speaking different levels of English this year. This will be a new experience for me :)

Dear First Day of School, You are tomorrow. You are my absolute most favorite day of school! I'm ready! Bring on the fun! :)

Dear God, Thank you so very much for giving me the privilege to teach these children. I can't wait to see how they grow academically, spiritually, and physically this year. 

Dear Handprints, You're going to be included on a decoration project for my classroom. It'll be a secret to the parents for when they come to Open House on Friday night. There's nothing like finger painting (handpainting?) on the second day of school :)

Dear Ice Cream, I'm thinking about treating myself to you this coming weekend as a "finished the first 3 days of school" celebration. Anyone in Dakar want to join me? :)

Dear Jungle Safari, You're the decoration theme used by one of my co-workers in her classroom. ...which has turned out very cute, I might add. I may have to "steal" her idea in the future :)

Dear Kid at Heart, I am you. Honestly, aren't we all? How boring would life be if we didn't acted like a kid every now and then :)

Dear Lesson Plan Template, I used a couple different versions of you to create the one that I'll be using this year. I think I'll really like you too. I was able to create you to include the exact amount of space I'll need for each subject. ...and ideal lesson plan template for someone that teaches 9 different subjects a day :)

Dear Movie Night, You're Friday night after Open House. I'm looking forward to you because you'll include a fun movie, free popcorn, and time to relax with friends. Of course, you're going to make for an extremely long work day, so I may fall asleep during the movie. But that's ok. You'll still be fun :)

Dear New Supplies, I always love getting here at the beginning of school and getting all of my new supplies sorted out. It's always so much fun! :)

Dear Open House, You're Friday night. I always look forward to you. You're my first chance to have a long(er) chat with my students' parents. You're my first chance to show off their children's work. You're the first chance to brag (more) on their kids too. 

Dear Parents of My Students, Thank you for trusting me to teach and care for your children. I look forward to working with you over the course of this school year. 

Dear Questions, My students typically ask me a zillion and one of you a day. And quite often, they're quite hilarious :)

Dear Recess, You're a part of the day that elementary teachers love. Sometimes you're our only planning time in a day. Sometimes you're the chance to finally take a potty break. Oh and the kids love you too! :)

Dear Students, I know some of you already, so that'll be nice. But I know there will also be a few new faces. I know this is going to be a great year. I can't wait!

Dear Tomorrow, You're the first day of school. I'm praying that you are an awesome day!

Dear Untied Shoes, I'm pretty sure I'm going to be seeing quite a few of you over the next few months. 

Dear Velcro Dots, You're included in my behavior plan this year. Students have the chance to gain and lose "spots" on their ladybugs. If you get 4 spots, you had perfect behavior all day. If you get 0 spots, your behavior wasn't that great. 

Dear Waking Up Early, Boo to you! :(

Dear eXcited, You're how I'm feeling about school starting tomorrow. Woohoo! :)

Dear Yellow Door, You're the signal for my first graders to know they're at the right room. I love your bright, cheerful color. Plus, you went great with my decoration theme this year. DA people, you should come check out the "Buggy" first grade room :)

Dear Zzzz's, The days of sleeping late and catching as many of you as possible or over :( ...back to waking up at 4:30 a.m.

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