In case you're wondering what the December Photo Challenge is... This is a challenge to take a photo a day, using a prompt given
here. I'll post my photos for the week every Sunday. Feel free to play along. :)
Day 10's prompt was "Under..."
Under this end table is my batter inverter. This wonderful invention keeps power going to a few small things (internet, computer, fans, lamp, etc.) when the power goes out. I am so thankful for this thing!
Day 11's prompt was "Sweet..."
I forgot to take a picture myself for today, so I used this one my brother sent me instead. How sweet is this picture?! |
Day 12's prompt was "Hat..."
I took a personal day today to stay home and take my 4 (eek!) exams. When I saw the prompt and realized I wouldn't likely see a hat on a person today, I thought a hat on a reindeer was the next best thing. This is my Christmas reindeer. He rocks in his rocking chair, while singing "Grandma Got Ran Over By a Reindeer." Ha! :) |
Day 13's prompt was "Lights..."
I love love love Christmas lights! :) Here's my little Christmas tree in my apartment all lit up. |
Day 14's prompt was "Something green..."
I had dinner with my neighbor tonight and my contribution was the salad. Since the tomatoes all looked really gross, we had an all green salad. :) |
Day 15's prompt was "Outdoors..."
Look! It's my feet and a neighbor's tire on my walk to a friend's house tonight. :) |
Day 16's prompt was "Something You Made..."
Here's my To Do List I made earlier this weekend. |
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