Friday, December 14, 2012

The 43rd Dear ____ Post

There are so many things I could write about for this week's Dear ____ Post, but I can't bring myself to do it. All I can think about are those kids (and adults) that were killed in Connecticut today. This was my Facebook status tonight...

I'm just so sad after hearing the news of the horrible events that happened in Connecticut today. As a teacher, you're trained in what to do if something bad like that ever were to happen. And you can bet, those babies' safety was the main thing on those teachers' minds. You put their safety ahead of your own. But then a lunatic comes in and does this... It's my worst nightmare as a teacher. I just can't imagine the pain those families are feeling right now. ...especially right at Christmas.

So my one "Dear _____" for this post is...

Dear God, 

Why did something like this have to happen? Why did children (ages 5 to 10) have to die today? Why did men and women, trying to protect those and other babies, have to die today? Why did some court back in the history of our country feel the need to remove you from schools? And God, when is America, the country I love, going to get its act together and realize that we need you? We need you now more than ever before. God, please be with those families, friends, teachers, and classmates that are now in mourning. Please be with those families with gifts under their trees for children who did not live to open them. 

You know what God... I wish you'd come back soon. We need you.

A Broken Hearted Teacher

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