Friday, January 11, 2013

The 44th Dear ___ Post...otherwise known as the post about the BEST CHRISTMAS EVER :)

Dear BEST SURPRISE EVER, You happened to me the day I landed. My family had told me that my brother and sister-in-law had to work so I wouldn't be able to see (meet) my niece 'til later that night. So there I was in baggage claim, waiting on my suitcase to come out and who should I see, but the most beautiful baby girl ever? ...oh and her mommy, daddy, and granny too :) P.S. The picture above is the first time I held her.

Dear Sleeping Baby, Is there anything more precious than you?

Dear Family Time, I so very much enjoyed having you. I loved it! Dear Burger King, You were my first American meal and you were perfect! 

Dear Steak Dinner, I had you for supper the night I landed. YUM!

Dear Cold, It was nice feeling you again. ...even if it meant I had to sleep in sweats and a hoodie and sleep under 3 (yes, 3) blankets to keep warm at night. BUT at the same time, I must say... I do like to be able to warm back up, so when I'm outside feeling you, you're not so enjoyable...

Dear Snow, I'd been hoping I could see you during my time in the States, and I did. It was just a few flurries, but that was enough to satisfy my longing for snow. ...mainly because I couldn't handle the 36 degrees temp that accompanied those flurries. Ha :)

Dear Starbucks, Thanks for making the chai tea latte taste so yummy! I wish you existed in Dakar. And speaking of which...

Dear Chai Tea Latte, Oh my word. You're so incredibly, totally delicious. I may or may not gotten a few too many of you during my time in the States. After all, it'll be about 6 months before I'll get to have your tasty goodness again... :)

Dear Gift Cards, You make shopping so much more fun since you meant I wasn't having to use my own money to pay for some of my purchases :)

Dear Parental Guidance (the movie), I saw you the day after Christmas. You were such a really good, funny, (and clean) movie. I really enjoyed watching you!

Dear New Year's Day, I enjoyed you so very much! I got to spend the entire day with my brother and sister-in-law. We ate a delicious lunch, saw a fun movie, went shopping, and then ate a delicious supper, before heading home where I got to see and love on my absolutely adorable niece. 

Dear Camera, You gave me a little scare a few days before I headed back to Dakar. I was so worried that I would have to go back to Dakar camara-less, but the Geek Squad guy at Best Buy showed me how to work around the issue. Yay for an awesome tech person being nice and knowing his stuff...and for only having to spend $11 to fix the problem :)

Dear Lunch on the Thursday before I flew back to Dakar. You were so nice. I enjoyed my time with my mom, Marla, and Chloe. It was a fun mini reunion with the McLane ladies. ...not to mention tasty food. After all, who can beat Chikfila? :)

Dear 2012, You were full of highs and lows, but you know what... The highs definitely outweighed the lows. There's so much more to write, so I decided to devote a whole Dear Fill in the Blank post to you. ...which will hopefully be finished soon :)

Dear 2013 New Year's Resolutions, I'm working on you. I realize I should've had you already figured out, but I was too busy holding a cute baby to care about you. Let's be honest :) Anywho... You should be finished soon. Then I'll write a blog post all about your awesomeness. So don't worry. It'll be soon. I promise :)

Dear Blog, I'm sorry that I neglected you while back in the States. It's just that I had something far more important consuming my time. Family comes first, you know... :)

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