Sunday, September 20, 2015

Why Church?

I was talking with a friend about this the other day. We were both, thankfully, raised in church. So we've never known anything different. When the church doors were open, there was never any question. We were there. So we couldn't understand why someone would purposefully choose to not go to church...

Quick clarification - If you, or someone you are a caregiver for, has a sickness/injury that prevents you from attending church that's NOT what I'm talking about. If you have to work that's NOT what I'm talking about If you only miss church once in a blue moon because you're on vacation with your family, that's NOT what I'm talking about...

Those are all valid reasons to miss church. And there are others, too, that I just didn't mention...

This post is not meant to be a slam against people who do not go to church. That is totally between them and God.

This post was just meant to give me the chance to answer why I DO go to church. 

So why do I go to church?

I go... honor Him. worship Him. pray to Him.

...and to pray with like-minded believers. learn more about Him. remember the sacrifices He made. fellowship with my brothers and sisters in Christ.

And the list goes on and on.

So why do YOU go to church?

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