On our field trip the other day, there was a man doing Arabic calligraphy. My students were mesmerized as they watched him writing their names. Me too :)

I baked some blueberry muffins yesterday. I'm thankful for grabbing that mix while at Wal-Mart a while back. Quick, easy, and delicious!
Teaching in a Christian school is such a blessing. I love that we can share the truth that is Jesus Christ and His love.

I had a delicious sandwich at dinner the other night. It had chicken with a honey mustard (sort of) sauce with red bell peppers and lettuce on a multi-seed/grain bread. It was so good!
I made some egg, cheese, and pepper muffins to put in the freezer. I've been trying to be more intentional about eating healthy. It doesn't always happen. But I sure am trying :)
I took my fifth graders on a field trip the other day to an International Artisanal Fair type place. We spent most of our time in the Morocco exhibit. The kids came away saying it was a lot of fun. And my philosophy is... If they're happy, I'm happy :)
This guy was in the middle of the street the other day. Interesting traffic block, huh? :)

I baked some sea salt and hazelnut cookies for my class the other day. Oh my word... I'm not even a big chocolate fan and I loved them. These were delicious. And the best part? I actually didn't burn them. Knowing my track record in that area, this was amazing :)
I spent what seemed like forever minutes scanning the invoices and receipts from the supplies I've purchased this far for the new Special Ed. class, getting ready to turn in my financial reports. Yet another reminder of how God's provided for this class and the incredible students this class will serve...
The role of Jesus was up in a skit my class will be doing pretty soon. It was funny to see how almost every single boy was arguing over who could play the part of Jesus :)
These kids make me smile. I only get 2 more weeks with most of them. I'm so not ready to say goodbye to these sweet kiddos on the last day of school...

I end up with leftovers every time I cook. I can't seem to cook for just one person. But it's not all bad. If I ever don't want to cook, there's almost always leftovers in the fridge. So I suppose they're not all bad, huh?
A friend shared this meme on Facebook the other day and it made me laugh. There is a small part of me that thinks this could end up being true :)

Watching the news is honestly, pretty annoying lately. Where are the stories of good things happening in the world? Why focus so much on the negative in the world?
We officially have only two more weeks with students. Time has just flown by! It seems like just yesterday school started.
We have been learning about parables in Kids Club this semester. I have loved working through this series with our elementary students and even more than that... I have loved seeing our kids who attend each week growing more and more in their faith.
We have been learning about parables in Kids Club this semester. I have loved working through this series with our elementary students and even more than that... I have loved seeing our kids who attend each week growing more and more in their faith.
I saw this quote on Facebook the other day and saved it. It's a good reminder for all of us, teachers, out there.

A friend sent me this meme the other day. It totally reminds me of playing Mario on the Nintendo with my brother back in the day :)
Shells were used to help decorate this artwork we saw on our field trip the other day. In this picture of Senegal's President, the artist used shells for the President's suit.
I treated myself to a new camel leather bag the other day. It was my "almost finished with the school" year present to myself. Plus, I got a great deal on it. So win win! :)

I treated myself to a new camel leather bag the other day. It was my "almost finished with the school" year present to myself. Plus, I got a great deal on it. So win win! :)
My U.S. departure is only 5 weeks away now. I'm definitely excited about seeing family again, visiting with a few supporters, and picking up the rest of the supplies for my new Special Ed. class. But I still have a lot left to do 'til then. So I've basically pushed the excitement for all of that out of the way for now. Finishing this school year well with my favorite 5th graders is what's most important at the moment.
My fifth graders have been playing volleyball and loving it. I've loved seeing how their skills have improved this season, seeing how well they've been working together, and seeing how much fun they've had each week. I have such a talented group of kids.
A perk of waking up early is getting so much more stuff done than usual. I intentionally wake up early during the week, getting things ready for the day. I've gotten so used to it over the years that it doesn't even faze me anymore. Take today for example... I was wide awake at 4:45 a.m. (with no alarm clock even set). Of course, by 10:00, I was ready for a nap, though :)
A perk of waking up early is getting so much more stuff done than usual. I intentionally wake up early during the week, getting things ready for the day. I've gotten so used to it over the years that it doesn't even faze me anymore. Take today for example... I was wide awake at 4:45 a.m. (with no alarm clock even set). Of course, by 10:00, I was ready for a nap, though :)
I am eXcited about some fun things I have planned for my 5th graders these last 2 weeks of school. Our last day of school party is going to involve some surprises as well. I can't wait to see their faces when they walk in that morning :)
Coconut yogurt has been my breakfast of choice lately. It's delicious!
The letter Z can be difficult to include in a post like this. Don't you agree? :)