10 months ago, I wrote a blog post (here), in which I shared a dream God had placed on my heart. A dream in which I wanted to live out Proverbs 31:8 in real life.

I then shared my heart.
I brought awareness.
I raised funds.
I started with a blank slate of a classroom...

I started with a blank slate of a classroom...
And then used those funds I raised to outfit my entire classroom.

Then, 1.5 months ago, school started.
Then, 1.5 months ago, school started.
And with school's arrival, came the fulfillment of that dream.
And I've shared pictures like the ones below...

And now...
Now it's finally time to introduce you to my class.
E is a super sweet, Brazilian girl who loves art and fashion and the Bible. She likes to read books that make her laugh. She said Reading is her favorite subject and that she's not a big fan of Math. Although, I must say, she's quite the whiz at it. She has a servant's heart and seems to be a natural born nurturer. She is a huge help to me in class, especially when I was working one-handed the first month or so of school. She and I are currently working through a Girl's devotional 2 days a week, while the boys are in another class, and I'm loving this time to chat with her and get to know her better. She has a big heart for Jesus and wants everyone to know and love Him like she does.
Next up is M, whose family comes from Oman. Have you watched the commercials including the Energizer Bunny? That's him times 100. But I will say this, his energy and spunky attitude is one of the main things I love about this kid. He can be shy around people he doesn't know, but he comes alive in the classroom. He is so full of life and makes every activity we do enjoyable. Why? Because he genuinely finds enjoyment in it all. He loves to read non-fiction books, especially books about countries around the world. He's a geography whiz and can point out even the most obscure countries on our globe in class. He says Math is his favorite subject, but he could live without writing. He's super creative and would sit and build things or play games all day if I would let him. He has a sensitive spirit and hates to see someone sad. He makes me laugh a zillion times a day, and for that I'm super grateful.
And last, but certainly not least, is R. R is my only fellow American. He's quite the chatterbox, and if I'd let him, would sit and chat with me for hours and hours. He loves reading books on the ipad, with his current favorite genre being non-fiction - especially biographies/autobiographies. He's one of the hardest working people I've ever met and is quick to show us just how hard he does work. He's full of life and personality and gives M. a run for his money in the energy department. He says Reading is his favorite subject, with Math being a close second. He's quite artistic and especially loves painting. I'm blown away at his determination and perseverance to get a job done. He's a great joke teller. And as a result, the four of us may or may not have spent a good bit of time yesterday afternoon, laughing and sharing our favorite jokes. He's super grateful that he and his family are missionaries and is proud to proclaim The Good News here in Senegal.
It's looking like I'll probably get another student in another couple weeks.
And who knows? I may end up with even more as the year progresses.
And along with these "full-time" students, I do also have some other students who come in and out at various points in the day, for shorter periods of time.
And who knows? I may end up with even more as the year progresses.
And along with these "full-time" students, I do also have some other students who come in and out at various points in the day, for shorter periods of time.
Ya'll, I've said it time and time again, but it's worth repeating...
And I couldn't be more blessed to call these kids my students.
This class is a literal dream come true for me.

This class is a literal dream come true for me.