Happy Saturday Y'all
Easter is definitely one of my most favorite holidays.

It's my favorite because of what it stands for.
It's my favorite because it stands for HOPE.
It's my favorite because it stands for a future with my Savior.
It's my favorite because that tomb was found empty 2000+ years ago.
It's my favorite because Jesus Christ defeated the grave.
It's my favorite because God loved me so much that He sacrificed His son for me.
That boggles my mind sometimes.
Easter is my favorite because my Savior gave it all for me.
It's my favorite because He was willing to die for me.
It's my favorite because He rose again on the third day.
It's my favorite because He paved the way for me to have an eternity in Heaven.
It's my favorite not because of a bunny rabbit or plastic eggs filled with candy or even white chocolate Reese's eggs (even though I do love all of those things)...
It's my favorite because Jesus Christ loved me (and all of you reading this) so incredibly much, that He was willing to give the ultimate sacrifice - HIS LIFE - for us. He loves us so incredibly much that He'd do that. But that's not all. Sure Jesus died. But on the third day, the stone closing that tomb was rolled away, and our Savior rose again.
And that...
That is why Easter is my favorite.
And I'm also joining Erika, Andrea, and Narci and for their weekly Friday Favorites linkup.