Friday, February 9, 2024


    Happy Friday, Y'all

I'm joining Jennifer from Overflowing with Thankfulness, along with a few other bloggers, and sharing a look at what's currently going on in my life. The prompts for this month are:

* loving * looking forward to * doing to be romantic * changing * celebrating *

I'm currently loving this deliciousness that surprised me the other day. A sweet friend sent a king cake with her husband on his trip here to Dakar to give to another friend and I to share between her family and me. Y'all have no idea what a happy (and delicious) surprise this was :)

I'm currently looking forward to my morning walk across campus each morning. I said this in my post last week, but it's still true... I've been enjoying taking the quick moment to stop each morning and thank God for the truth and goodness of His Word, specifically Lamentations 3:22-23, reminding myself about how "his mercies are new every morning." And what a gift that reminder is!

I'm currently doing nothing to be romantic... Ah, the joys of being single on Valentines Day. And yes, you did notice a not so subtle hint of sarcasm in that statement ;)

I'm currently changing a few things. Nothing blog-discussable at the moment. But yeah...

I'm currently celebrating the success of this past weekend with 100+ high schoolers and a dozen or so of my co-workers, at our high school youth group retreat. I might have come home and slept the rest of the day. But, I must say... It was a really nice weekend with our kids. And I'm so glad I got to go.

And since it's my blog and I can, I'm including a few more currentlys in this month's post :)

I'm currently reading Union with Christ with one of my classes, as part of our Bible lessons. It's been fun to see what God is showing each of us through the reading of this book and the accompanying lessons I'm teaching.

I'm currently eating cold pizza, or at least, I was for dinner last night. I either like it freshly cooked and hot or I like it cold. I'm not a fan of reheating it in the microwave. Anyone else?

I'm currently trying to figure out how to get my FBI background check (which I need done to renew my teaching certificate) done while in a foreign country and dealing with the state of Alabama who has told me that they won't accept it if it's done overseas. It's too bad plane tickets cost so much or I'd just fly back during my school's Spring Break and get it done. 

I'm currently feeling happy that it's the weekend. Happy Fri-yay, y'all :)

I'm currently feeling thankful that God knows what we need when we need it, a fact that I often forget and find myself needing a reminder of often... 

And that’s about it for me.

What  about you?

What are you currently up to? 


  1. Hooray for friends who send cake!! What a nice treat. And your walk across campus each morning definitely seems like a great way to start the day! Hope you can get that paperwork done!

  2. Yay for a surprise King Cake! I hope you're able to figure out how to get that background check done without hassle!

  3. I'm belatedly catching up on my "Currently" posts. I've never had King Cake. I should check it out one of these years! I hope you get your FBI check figured out -- that sounds really frustrating :( And I love cold pizza, especially for breakfast. Yes, I will either eat it fresh or cold -- no reheating for me!
