Monday, October 7, 2024

Hello Monday

      Happy Monday

Today I'm joining Holly and Sarah, and a few other bloggers, for today's Hello Monday link-up, where we say Hello to the week with a look at what's going on in our lives at the moment.

 So what's on my mind?

A lot. But 'tis the norm with me, I suppose.

Things like...

Mornings - The mornings have been a little chilly lately. It doesn’t stay that way all day, but I’ve definitely needed my sweater most mornings. And before anyone from here says anything, just remember… I’ve been living in a place where I rarely ever needed to where a sweater/jacket for the ENTIRE YEAR. So yeah… To me, it’s chilly :)

Chips and Salsa - Is there anything better? ;)

Vehicle - I’m searching for a vehicle. Know of one for sale? Or know of someone who wants to just give one away to bless someone else. I’d be fine with that too ;) Honestly, I’ve been blessed this far, as the vehicle I’m driving was loaned to me to use as long as I needed it. And while I wish I could just buy it since it’s such a great vehicle, that’s not an option. So I’m looking for something…

Apple Tasting - We did this with our students last week. It was fun seeing their reactions as their either tried each item or as they strongly refused to try them due to their seemingly “yuck” factor :)

Almost Move-in Time - I still can’t believe it’s about to happen. The plan is to move in this upcoming weekend. I won’t have a lot in terms of furniture/decor. That’ll come in late November or early December when my mom and I have finished packing up her place and moved her down here with me. But I’ve got enough for what I need between the little I’ve bought and the little friends have given me. So yay!

I’m tired. - A friend shared this on social media on Friday and I reshared it because boy oh boy, is it true for me. Y’all, Friday was tough. I’m not going to lie. So I was exhausted by the time I finally got home. And after running some errands Saturday and having a full Sunday as well between church and going to do lesson prep, I still feel a little tired. I also think one of my students shared their cold with me. So that’s adding to the “tired” feeling. But yeah… Teaching is hard work, y’all.

Church - Yesterday evening I went to Knollwood Church’s Made to Thrive Ladies Conference. It was such a nice service with a timely message on always trusting God. I visited this church last week as well and loved it then too. I’ve been visiting so many different churches since getting down here in July, and have been so ready to find THE one and settle in. And I must say… It feels like I found it.

Reminders - I looked down while sitting at a red light the other day and saw my new keychain through the steering wheel. All I could read was the part of the verse that says, “with you always,” but I realized in that moment, that was the reminder I needed. I’ve been a fairly open book on here. My transition in moving back to the US, leaving Senegal, and starting a new job that I love but is far more difficult than I ever imagined… All of that has been challenging, to say the least, and I’ve been struggling and feeling like God had forgotten me. Was that true? No, of course it wasn’t. I knew He hadn’t. But it’s just where my mind kept going… So when I saw this keychain for sale a week or two ago, I bought it. And then the other day as I looked at that part of the verse - “with you always” - I smiled. I’m thankful that God loves me and is patient with stubborn, thick headed self, and waits for me to remember that He truly is with me always…

And that’s about it for my scattered brain today. 

What about you?

 What’s on your mind today?  


  1. I had an exceptionally exhausting teaching day last Thursday; I was introducing a new essay assignment and we had to go over representation within media and that paired with stereotypes, it was just rough. I feel you!

  2. You got this! We are all grateful for the work you do! It is God's work for sure!
