Happy Wednesday Everybody!
Can you believe it's already the last day of February?!
Today I'm joining Mel, Shay, and Sheaffer for their What's Up Wednesday link-up.
Can you believe it's already the last day of February?!
Today I'm joining Mel, Shay, and Sheaffer for their What's Up Wednesday link-up.
Every month we answer the same few questions based on how things are currently going in our lives.
The questions are...
What am I eating this week?
Basically the eating theme of this month has been Soup, Soup, and more Soup. There's just something about the temperature dropping that makes me want to eat soup.
Basically the eating theme of this month has been Soup, Soup, and more Soup. There's just something about the temperature dropping that makes me want to eat soup.
What am I reminiscing about?
Times with family... My brother's 31st birthday was earlier this month. So in honor of his big day, I wrote a post all about him. If you missed it, you can check it out here. And of course I shared all sorts of fun photos, which then made me reminisce about all the fun times our family has had over the years.

Times with family... My brother's 31st birthday was earlier this month. So in honor of his big day, I wrote a post all about him. If you missed it, you can check it out here. And of course I shared all sorts of fun photos, which then made me reminisce about all the fun times our family has had over the years.

What am I loving?

What have I been up to?
February was packed with all sorts of fun activities at school. Besides the normal classwork and fun activities in the classroom, there was also Spiritual Emphasis Week, Valentine's Day, our school Olympics, a softball tournament, and more.

February was packed with all sorts of fun activities at school. Besides the normal classwork and fun activities in the classroom, there was also Spiritual Emphasis Week, Valentine's Day, our school Olympics, a softball tournament, and more.

What am I dreading?
I'm changing this question. I've realized I rarely have anything I'm dreading. So instead, I'm adding a new question to the mix each month :)
What am I
If you remember last month's What's Up Wednesday post, I wrote that I was praying for a miracle in that I needed a vehicle for this summer - to take me to services, connect with supporters, and to help me raise the rest of my missions budget. I'm still praying for that.
Well... God showed up BIG TIME! Not only did He provide a vehicle for me to borrow for the summer. But God also allowed me to see my entire budget raised (actually more than was required)! Y'all... To say I'm excited is an understatement!

What am I working on?
This should also go under the previous section as well, considering it's also a big prayer request that things get worked out in time. I posted the info below yesterday on Facebook, expressing my frustration over hitting a bit of a snag with renewing my AL teaching certificate. Y'all, my frustration is at an all time high with this. And last night before bed, I spoke to someone who said, why can't you just fly back here and take the test? The test is only for a few hours. Like seriously... I wanted to say, Yeah, that'd be great. Do you have an extra $2000 lying around and want to pay for me to fly back, pay for this test that I was not planning on, and take that test, etc., then great. But I clearly do not have such funds. So instead, I bit my tongue and thanked her for her time. Ugh.
This should also go under the previous section as well, considering it's also a big prayer request that things get worked out in time. I posted the info below yesterday on Facebook, expressing my frustration over hitting a bit of a snag with renewing my AL teaching certificate. Y'all, my frustration is at an all time high with this. And last night before bed, I spoke to someone who said, why can't you just fly back here and take the test? The test is only for a few hours. Like seriously... I wanted to say, Yeah, that'd be great. Do you have an extra $2000 lying around and want to pay for me to fly back, pay for this test that I was not planning on, and take that test, etc., then great. But I clearly do not have such funds. So instead, I bit my tongue and thanked her for her time. Ugh.
What do you guys think? Any advice?
I'm getting two new students. This is such a HUGE answer to prayer!

Also, I have some fun ideas planned for my class. New work groups, a new fun (for my weird self) data keeping procedure, fun experiments and projects, a fun field trip idea, and even more ways to reach these gifts God's placed in my care.
What am I watching?
What am I watching?
Honestly, by the time I've gotten home from work each night, I've enjoyed just having some peace and quiet. So, I've done a lot more reading, writing, and studying, and I've watched very little tv/movies. But over Spring Break next month, I do plan on catching up on a few of my favorites, and maybe a couple new ones, as well.

What am I reading?
What am I reading?
Since last month's What's Up Wednesday post, I've finished only one book - "The Invisible Girls" by Sarah Thebarge. It was such a good, heartwarming story. I'm glad I picked this one up in our school library a while back. I would definitely recommend it!

I've started another one, but I'm not finished with it yet... "Writing as a Way of Healing," by Louise DeSalvo. I'm learning so much from it and am slowly working my way through it. A friend recommended it. And I'm definitely glad she did. And as a side note of sorts... If you're like I was when I first heard the title, you're probably thinking it doesn't really apply to you. But if you're a writer (or a wannabe writer like me), I challenge you to read this book. In my opinion, it is so definitely 100% worth it.

I've started another one, but I'm not finished with it yet... "Writing as a Way of Healing," by Louise DeSalvo. I'm learning so much from it and am slowly working my way through it. A friend recommended it. And I'm definitely glad she did. And as a side note of sorts... If you're like I was when I first heard the title, you're probably thinking it doesn't really apply to you. But if you're a writer (or a wannabe writer like me), I challenge you to read this book. In my opinion, it is so definitely 100% worth it.

What am I listening to?
TobyMac's song, Speak Life, has been in the back of my mind a lot lately. I even wrote about it a few weeks ago, and I shared about it when I led our staff devotions earlier this week. Did you miss my blog post about this? You can read it by clicking here.
What am I wearing?
The picture below is of me wrapped in a blanket and wearing socks/shoes (versus wearing flip flops) at a softball game earlier in the month. And I even had to break out the hoodie a few times this month too. Dakar has been having super cool temperatures lately. It's been down in the low 60s for the majority of the month. This is totally unheard of in Dakar. In the 8.5 years since I moved here, it has NEVER been this cold! Yay for having a month full of windy, cold days where we finally weren't sweating all the time! :)

The picture below is of me wrapped in a blanket and wearing socks/shoes (versus wearing flip flops) at a softball game earlier in the month. And I even had to break out the hoodie a few times this month too. Dakar has been having super cool temperatures lately. It's been down in the low 60s for the majority of the month. This is totally unheard of in Dakar. In the 8.5 years since I moved here, it has NEVER been this cold! Yay for having a month full of windy, cold days where we finally weren't sweating all the time! :)

What am I doing this weekend?
I'll be attending my school's Senior Cafe (kind of like a Talent Show). I'll be working in my classroom, prepping for two new students who should be arriving soon. I'll be going to church. And if I'm lucky, I'll even be able to squeeze in a nap in at some point :)
What am I looking forward to next month?
Spring Break!
In a dream world, I'd get to sleep late every single day over Spring Break. But alas, they're doing construction on my building, and it is obnoxiously loud. And I highly highly doubt they'll finish before Break. So I doubt I'll be sleeping late. But, that's okay. I'll live.
I do have plans to be fairly productive. I'm planning to sort through/re-organize/re-arrange my apartment. I'm also planning to map out the rest of the school year and write out some "skeleton" lesson plans (the basics). Hopefully, by doing this planning over the long Break, I'll have less prep work to do when we get back to school.
Spring Break!
In a dream world, I'd get to sleep late every single day over Spring Break. But alas, they're doing construction on my building, and it is obnoxiously loud. And I highly highly doubt they'll finish before Break. So I doubt I'll be sleeping late. But, that's okay. I'll live.
I do have plans to be fairly productive. I'm planning to sort through/re-organize/re-arrange my apartment. I'm also planning to map out the rest of the school year and write out some "skeleton" lesson plans (the basics). Hopefully, by doing this planning over the long Break, I'll have less prep work to do when we get back to school.
What else is new?
I've already said this. But it's worth repeating. I'm getting 2 (yes, two!) new students. It will most definitely add more prep time and work to my plate. And it will definitely also change the dynamic of my class. But y'all... This is a total answer to prayer on so many levels. Just a few weeks ago, I was facing the possibility of my class not lasting many more years, considering I needed more students to financially secure my class's future. So to now know I'm getting these two guys... Well, every time I think about it, I get a huge smile on my face and I get happy tears in my eyes. Isn't God great?! :)
I've already said this. But it's worth repeating. I'm getting 2 (yes, two!) new students. It will most definitely add more prep time and work to my plate. And it will definitely also change the dynamic of my class. But y'all... This is a total answer to prayer on so many levels. Just a few weeks ago, I was facing the possibility of my class not lasting many more years, considering I needed more students to financially secure my class's future. So to now know I'm getting these two guys... Well, every time I think about it, I get a huge smile on my face and I get happy tears in my eyes. Isn't God great?! :)
And then each month there's a special question. February's special question is...
What's your favorite Spring Break destination?
The best Spring Break trip I ever took was to England. We spent the majority of our time in London. But we also got to see a bit of the countryside too. Ah, England...

The best Spring Break trip I ever took was to England. We spent the majority of our time in London. But we also got to see a bit of the countryside too. Ah, England...

But you know... I would give anything to be able to afford a trip to the States over Spring Break. I'd be able to clear up all the issues with renewing my AL teaching certificate. And then I'd also be able to connect with a few supporting churches who rarely have service openings in the summer. I'd love to also be able to share about my work with a few schools, like I did last year. Plus, I still haven't brought out all the supplies I bought, and was given, for my class. So it'd be nice to get a load of that now, versus paying a fortune to bring it all back when I come this summer. But considering I don't have such funds, I will not be making such a trip. So instead, I'll be happily hanging out here and tackling that To Do List I have for working in my apartment and my classroom over the Break. And I'll probably take a nap or two at some point over the Break, as well :)
So what are YOU up to this month?