Wednesday, January 31, 2018

What's Up January

Happy Wednesday Everybody!

Today I'm joining  MelShay, and Sheaffer for their What's Up Wednesday link-up. 


Every month we answer the same few questions based on how things are currently going in our lives. 

The questions are...


What am I eating this week?

I made Pecan Pie bites for my Bible Study group the other night. I used the recipe I found here and tweaked it just a bit, since I didn't have some of the ingredients it called for. And I must pat myself on the back a bit and say they turned out pretty tasty :)

What am I reminiscing about? 

I was telling someone the other day all about our AGWM All Africa Conference/Retreat. What a special blessing of a time that was! I came away with a greater knowledge, understanding, and appreciation for this organization I'm a part of. And I also came away with a greater vision for helping our One House family expand and grow and help further His Kingdom all around this great continent we've all come to know and love.

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What am I loving?

Being back in school with "my" kids :)

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What have I been up to?

My crew and I did a yummy taste testing experiment the other day, where we took regular ol' popcorn and tasted 6 different seasonings/toppings. We invited our staff and some of the students too, and let them join the taste testing fun. And we ended up with 48 taste testers. My crew loved it and so did I. What a fun time it was!

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Image may contain: 1 person, smiling, sitting and indoor Image may contain: 1 person, indoor

What am I dreading?

I'm changing this question. I've realized I rarely have anything I'm dreading. So instead, I'm adding a new question to the mix each month :)

What am I praying for?

My biggest prayer request for this upcoming summer's trip to the US for Itineration/Fundraising is for a miracle in terms of a vehicle. My car, which I left at my mom's house is currently not workable. And the cost to fix it is just too far out of my budget. And to buy (or even to rent) a car is also most definitely out of my budget. So I don't know what to do right now...

I have to travel around the state, connect with supporters, finish raising my missions budget, speak at churches, etc. But without a vehicle, I can't do any of those things. I know this might sound like an odd request... 

But do you know of anyone who might have a vehicle they'd loan me for part of the summer? Preferably in Alabama, but if it's elsewhere, that could be arranged too, as I could fly from Senegal to whereever the car is if need be. And obviously I'd pay for my own fuel and wear and tear on the vehicle. I'll be in the States for anywhere for about 7 weeks this summer, coming back around the 9th or so of June and staying 'til the end of July. 

I can't schedule services until I know about my vehicle situation as I need to know I have a vehicle first. So yes, I'm praying for a miracle. Will you help me pray for this?

What am I working on?

Sorting/Organizing everything at home. You don't realize how much stuff you collect after living somewhere for this long. And my apartment isn't that big to begin with. So I've made a list, breaking my apartment into sections. Most rooms are their own section. But if it's a room with more stuff (my bedroom and the kitchen, for example), then I'll give myself a bit longer to work in them. My plan is to give myself one week to work on each section, with the realization that it will not always take a full week to do it. So I can then start on the next section. And my goal is to use the 9 weeks I have until Spring Break to work on this. Then over Spring Break, I'll be able to know what baskets/storage containers I need and can go buy those and have everything all set up nice and neat. And also, that'll give me Spring Break to relax. Well, that, and work in my classroom... :)

Anywho - Here are the sections I have.

*kitchen food
*kitchen stuff
*living/dining room
*hall closets (linens)
*bedroom clothes
*bedroom stuff
*classroom storage at home

What am I excited about?

How fast my fundraising efforts have worked! Oh my word, God has worked in this situation in an incredible way! Once all promised amounts hit my account, I will only need $61 more in monthly pledges/commitments. If you'd like to partner with me to raise this last bit, either click HERE or email me at for more info.

What am I watching?

I've finally joined the world of Netflix. First up on my To Watch List is The Good Doctor. But what else should I be watching? Anyone have a good recommendation? Leave me a comment below with your favorite Netflix shows. I'm not a fan of sci-fi shows OR crime shows. But past that, I'm up for almost anything...

Image result for the good doctor

What am I reading?

Since my last What's Up Wednesday post, I've read quite a few books. I read Status of All Things, Girl in the Blue Coat, Someone Knows My Name, The Outsiders, and Lila. And now I have a new stack of books at home, calling my name, ready for me to start reading when I get home each day. I love to read. My problem, though, is that I'm exhausted by the time I get home each day, so if I sit still and read, I'll end up falling asleep :)

The Outsiders 50th Anniversary EditionLila: A Novel

What am I listening to?

I've been listening to "Control" by Tenth Avenue North on repeat lately. A friend shared it on Facebook one day last week and I was blessed to hear it at just the right time. God  placed this song in my path at just the right time. Have you ever been worried about something to the point of losing sleep? I've been like that the last few weeks. I'm talking about struggling hard... And y'all, I've prayed. I've read my Bible. And I've literally cried my fair share of tears, asking God why I have to face this unknown. Y'all, it's easy to say "Just let it go." But this is something I'm struggling with... And I'm talking about major struggling here. So anywho - When my friend shared it on Facebook the other day, I listened to it and then googled the lyrics and just sat there on my couch, with tears streaming down my face, telling God, "I know I need to give you complete control of my situation. But it's hard. Really hard... Please help me to let go of this. Help me to release my grip on this situation and give you complete control it all."

What am I wearing?

It's been pretty chilly lately. So most evenings as of late, I can be found on my couch in sweats and socks, so I can hopefully stay a bit warmer. I'm not complaining, though. It sure is nice to not be sweating, for a change. I do definitely enjoy that.

What am I doing this weekend?

I'll be at church on Sunday. But that's as far as I've gotten, plans wise.

Is it sad that I'm looking forward to having a weekend at home. I'm looking forward to NOT  making many plans. Because, while I do have a couple projects planned both at home and in my classroom, I'm honestly looking forward to simply relaxing :)

What am I looking forward to next month?

A Day off from School

Softball Tournament 
Olympics at school
Payday :)

What else is new?

I made a crockpot full of oatmeal on Saturday. And I've been slowly eating my way through it. I'm realizing that I was all wrong as a child. Oatmeal is definitely a tasty food. I'm enjoying trying out new toppings for it too. 
What are your favorite oatmeal toppings? Let me know. Maybe I can try your suggestion out next.

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And then each month there's a special question. January's special question is...

What's your favorite soup recipe?

This is a tough one to answer. I love so many soups. It's hard to pick just one favorite. So instead, I'm going to name my top 4 soups. That's okay. Right? :)

Simple Taco Soup Recipe
Taco Soup
Copycat Panera® Broccoli Cheddar Soup
Broccoli Cheddar Soup
The Best Homemade Chili Recipe

So what are YOU up to this month?

1 comment:

  1. I love the music recommendation you got! I love to take my Irish oats that are cooked, and add a little water, raisins, slivered toasted almonds, lots of cinnamon, and microwave for a minute or two. It's delicious especially on a cold morning.
