Friday, February 15, 2019

Let's Look at Reading

Happy Friday Y'all

Today, I'm joining Shay and Erika and taking a look at reading.

Let's Look!

I love to read. 

I always have.

A relaxing time for me is sitting/laying on the couch, with my feet propped up and with a good book in my hand. 

But at the same time...

I read a LOT for work.

I teach. So I naturally read aloud a LOT throughout the normal activities of a day in the life of a teacher. There are lessons, textbooks, fun read alouds, book clubs, novel studies, directions, etc. Not to mention all the emails and memos that come through all day long every single day.

I read books for work (both as a missionary and a teacher). Books that will help me better myself as I continue in these career paths God has called me on.

Plus, I have to read a LOT for the class I'm taking, as well.

So, with that said...

By the time I get home in the evening, I typically don't want to read.

Mostly, because I'll end up like this.

But also because my brain is tired and not wanting me to think :)

But also, I have a hard time reading for 10 or 20 mins. I need a good, solid chunk of time to read. So for me to do that, I typically wait and read "for fun" on the weekends, over the holidays, during Summer Break, on days we're out of school, etc.


Want to know what I've read recently?

The best book I've read "for fun" recently (even though I was EXTREMELY angry with the mean lady in it) was Before We Were Yours by Lisa Wingate. While the book, itself, is fictional, it is based on a true story. So yeah... It was an intensely emotional book for me to read. But even so, I would definitely recommend it to others to read. It is a good story. And the main characters do find happiness in the end. So my heart was happy for that, at least. Seriously, though. Go read it.

Another book I recently read "for fun" was The Last Suppers by Mandy Mikulencak.  But I don't know that I could truly recommend it. While it was okay, I wouldn't say it was necessarily great. The story line was a bit tough to handle. And there was a LOT of language in it. I did stick it out and read the whole thing. But at the end, I just kind of sat there, unimpressed. :(

For the class I'm taking, I'm reading 4 books. And they're all about Dyslexia. I just thought I knew a good bit about Dyslexia before this class. Ha! I'm learning so much through the class and through these books. They've already come in handy this school year. And I know they'll continue to do so in the future. So if you're a teacher (or if you're going to be a teacher one day) of students with Dyslexia, then I would most definitely recommend all of these books.
Overcoming Dyslexia by Sally Shaywitz
Essentials of Dyslexia Assessment and Intervention by Mather and Wendling
Basic Facts About Assessment of Dyslexia Testing by Lowell, Fulton, and Cook
Basic Facts About Dyslexia & Other Reading Problems by Moats and Dakin

For spiritual/personal growth during my personal devotion time, I'm re-reading Dehydrated: Find Refreshment and Hope for Your Soul by Karen Schatzline. I bought it a couple years ago and read it then. But before Christmas, I picked it up and have been slowly reading through it, letting it guide a lot of my personal devotion/study/prayer time. It is such a great book. I would definitely recommend it.

And since we're talking about books...

My students are in the middle of novel studies in their English classes. I have 3 different books going at the moment, based on what grade my students are in. Anywho - Here are the books my students are reading...

10 Days with Martin Luther King, Jr by David Colbert
The One and Only Ivan by Katherine Applegate
Chocolate Fever by Robert Kimmel Smith

So, what about you?

What are YOU reading?

1 comment:

  1. I believe I've read books by Lisa Wingate before. I'll have to check. I'm glad you are finding time to read for enjoyment and not just work and school! I hope you can stop by:

