Monday, February 4, 2019

My Why

Happy Monday, Y'all

Today I'm sharing something God's been teaching me lately.

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In case you're new to my blog, I should probably give you a bit of background. I actually wrote a post about this last week (that you can read here). 

But the gist of that post it...

I'm a Missionary Teacher, serving in Senegal, West Africa, where I teach Special Education at an international Christian school. 

I love what I do.

My ministry is is my work.

My work is my ministry.

And I am truly passionate about what I do.

But lately... 

The passion is definitely still there.

The love for my ministry is still there. 

The love for my students and my school is still there.

But lately...

Lately, something's been different.

I've been struggling with WHYs. 

You know how a toddler just loves the word, WHY... No matter what you tell them, they'll ask WHY. They're genuinely curious (or annoying, depending on the day). So they ask WHY over and over.

That's been me and God.

I've been asking Why.

As in...

Why is it so hard?

Why can't it be easier? 

Why is this certain situation making my head spin?

Why is one individual's very hurtful comments attaching themselves to my heart and my mind, clinging on for dear life - making me doubt myself?

Why am I not happy all the time?



So the other night, I was asking God these very WHYs.

And then God gave me the following response.

Tell me... Why do you do it?

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Why do I continue to do it, when sometimes it's so hard?

The simple answer is God told me to do it.

I do it because I love/want to honor Him by doing what He's called me to do.

And while that answer is obviously enough...

There's more to it than that...

I do it for the kids.

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On the harder days...

I think of the 100+ students I've had over the years. 

I think of the students who attend Kids Club on Wednesdays.

I think of the students He's placed in my room right now.

I think of the students who will join the others in the coming years.

And, with the utmost gratitude to my Creator and the One who gave me these incredible gifts and this incredible calling...

I will always remember my WHY.

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Today I'm joining Julie for her monthly Growing in Gratitude link-up, helping us to focus more on having an attitude of gratitude.

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