Saturday, May 8, 2010

God, give me your eyes...

On any given day, there are usually two or three different men sitting outside of the school campus, with their little carts full of assortments of fruits and vegetables. They're always polite. Each one will greet you, compliment you, and ask if you want to buy fruit from him.

Today I went to the school to check out a big multi-family yard sale going on. I chatted with some friends and some of my students, bought some books, got a few papers that needed to be graded from my classroom, and left.

When I walked out the gate, I smiled at and greeted the one fruit guy sitting outside and turned to walk home. He had asked me if I wanted anything today and I apologized and said that I didn't want any today. I got a few steps away and felt this really strong urge to go back. And it was almost as if I was arguing with myself (and no, I'm not crazy...). I didn't really need fruit. I had some at home. But I couldn't shake the feeling that I just had to go back. So I did.

When I got to him he showed me all the fruits he had today and I asked for 1 kilo of apples and 1 canteloupe. We talked for a few minutes about all the different fruits he had in his cart and about how I don't like bananas or mangos. I paid for my fruit and before he handed me my bag, we had the following conversation...

Him: Do you work at the school?
Me: Yes. I am a teacher.
Him: Why do you teach in Dakar and not in the United States?
Me: God said for me to teach in Dakar.
Him: You are a Christian, yes?
Me: Yes, I am a Christian.
Him: Why are you a Christian?
Me: I love God and He loves me. He gave me and everyone the gift of his son. I asked his son into my heart.
Him: I think your God was kind to give people a gift that kind.
Me: Yes, he is very kind.

Then he thanks me, hands me my bag of fruit, and walks off to catch another customer. I walked off feeling so many emotions. I was sad. I wish I could've said more, but I could only handle the most basic of French words. I was happy. What if this guy ends up getting saved? How awesome would that be?! And I must admit, I was a little happy for myself too...I had a conversation with someone totally in French. And I actually understood everything he said! But more than those two feelings, I was feeling worried. How many opportunities has God given me like this one that I have passed up? How many times has God put someone in my path that I could've witnessed to, but chose not to because I was afraid of using my severely limited French?

My Prayer for today...As the song says, God give me your eyes. Let me see the people as you see them. Help me to leave myself behind and focus on you and the job you've called me to do. Help me to lose the shyness and to be bolder in my faith at all times. Help me to say what you want me to say, go where you want me to go, and do what you want me to do.

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