Saturday, May 28, 2011


My new "office" is the next to last booth in the McDonald's where my mom works. I come with her, pay 22 cents for a large cup of water, and stay all day working on teacher work, school work, and missions work.

Today I was looking at my cup and saw where it said, "Get quenched." And it got me thinking. I get the large, styrofoam cup full of ice cold water because 1) I want it to stay cold longer and 2) I'm thirsty. I need something to quench my thirst.

John 4:10 says, Jesus answered her, "If you knew the gift of God and who it is that asks you for a drink, you would have asked him and he would have given you living water."

We, as humans, need water. We need it both physically and spiritually. The problem with physical nourishment is that this food and water only quenches our hunger and thirst for a short time and soon we're left wanting more. The living water that we need to quench the thirst of the soul is different, though. It is permanent. In God, we have a spring of living water flowing down and forever quenching our thirst.

But here's the kicker. God's not like the automatic drink dispensing machine at McDonald's. We have to ask God for his living water. God created us with the ability to make choices. We have to choose to serve Him. We have to choose to ask for this living water.

Are you letting God quench your thirst today?

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