Monday, April 30, 2018

A Bookworm Discussion

Happy Monday Y'all

Today I'm joining Rachel and a few other bookworm bloggers and sharing a fun bookworm-themed quiz of sorts.

So here ya go...

Hardback or Paperback or e-Reader?

Well... I typically prefer paperback books. But I do read quite a few on my iPad, considering books weigh a lot and I live far away from bookstores. So I don't want to have to take up all of my luggage space with books. But some... Some definitely make the cut each and every time I travel between the US and Senegal :)

Amazon or Brick & Mortar?

I'd always prefer a brick & mortar store. But again, living in Senegal doesn't allow me that opportunity but once a year. So Amazon and their reasonably priced international shipping for the win! :)

Image result for meme, bookworm

Bookmark or Dog-Ear?

I'd like to say I'm a responsible book owner and say I always use a bookmark. But alas, that's not the case. However, if it's someone else's book, and I'm only borrowing it, I will be a good girl and use a bookmark :)

Alphabetize by Author OR by Title OR Random?

Uh... Totally random

Keep, Throw Away, or Sell?

I'd never throw a book away. I'm big on keeping them and rereading them later since my memory is HORRIBLE and I'll be able to reread books multiple times. But if it's one I just really don't want anymore, I'll give it away. I wouldn't sell it, though...

Keep dust jacket OR Toss it?

Toss it. Always.

Short Story or Novel

Novel. Always

Stop reading when tired OR Stop at Chapter breaks?

At chapter breaks... My problem is once I start reading a book, I can't put it down. Thus, the reason why I only read on the weekends and school holidays. I rarely ever read (for fun) during the school week because I know me. I know I'll start it and not want to put it down and then I'll get way too little sleep as a result :)

"It was a dark and stormy night" OR "Once upon a time"?

Once upon a time

Buy OR Borrow?

A mix of both

New OR Used?


Buying choice: Book reviews, Recommendations, or Just browsing?

A little of all

Tidy Ending OR Cliffhanger?

I absolutely HATE cliffhangers!!!

Morning, Afternoon, or Nighttime Reading?

all of the above

Single Volume OR Series?

I like both. But if I absolutely had to pick, I'd have to say "series." I love when there's a series of books that weave everyone's stories throughout...

Favorite Series?

I loved The Half-Stitched Amish Quilting Club books. I also liked the Left Behind books. And also... Basically any series by Beverly Lewis.

Favorite Book of which nobody else has heard?

The Half-Stitched Amish Quilting Club books

Best Book(s) read last year?

The Zookeeper's Wife
One Plane Ticket from Normal
Running on Empty
Finding Zoe

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