Wednesday, November 3, 2021


Happy Wednesday, Y'all

Today I'm joining Anne from In Residence for her monthly link-up, where we share what's currently going on in our lives. And each month, Anne gives us a list of prompts to use to guide our posts. 

November's prompts are...

  * appreciating * getting * making * sharing * wearing *

I'm currently appreciating the ways God speaks to me through my students. My job is difficult (and at times, overwhelming, to be honest). And it's more so this year than it has been in the past, due to various factors. But at the same time, I still love that God has called me to do this work. And I love that I can be assured that He will continue to equip me with exactly what I need to do this work well.

I'm currently getting excited about seeing my family in December. I consider myself blessed to be able to afford this trip. What a gift it will be to see my people! Only 45 more days :)

I'm currently making nothing terribly exciting. One of my students made this fun poster as a creative take on explaining the stages of the water cycle. Instead of simply drawing a diagram of it, he drew a group of scientists (in lab coats, no less), discussing each step, in their speech/thought bubbles. I'm a big fan of allowing students to use express their learning in hands-on projects. And I love when they take the guidelines I give them and then go further than that and show their unique/creative sides during their working. So fun

I'm currently sharing randomness I'm thankful for via social media. Each November, I do a "month of thanks" where I try to think outside the box and express gratitude for the things I sometimes take for granted. Things that may seem small in the scheme of things, but really aren't...

I'm currently wearing fun stuff for school spirit week most of this week. Yesterday was Character Day so I was the black crayon from The Day the Crayons Quit. Today was Pajama Day, but I skipped it. Tomorrow is Throwback Thursday. I'm still trying to decide on that one... The question is, do I go lazy and wear something easy to put together or do I actually want to get creative? Decisions, decisions ;)

And since it's my blog and I can, here are a few more...

I'm currently working through the highlights of the book of Numbers with one of the Bible classes I teach. Have I mentioned lately how much I love teaching at a Christian school? I love being able to teach my students about God and His Word!

I'm currently celebrating the birthday of one of my students. Or, at least, we did earlier today. What a fun time to sing, eat yummy treats, and to enjoy celebrating one our own. 

I'm currently looking forward to opening this box full of goodness my mom sent me. Some of it will be things I, myself, ordered online. But she said she also threw in some surprise items for me too. Yay for fun mail!

I'm currently considering buying a nice journaling Bible as a Christmas and grad school graduation gift to myself. I found this one, pictured below, on Amazon and fell in love with it. It's a bit pricey, but it has all the features I'd like. 

And that's about it for me at the moment.

So what about you?

What are you currently up to?


  1. That's great you'll be seeing family in December. Not long now!

    Lauren @

  2. Yay for getting to see family in September! And I love that creative poster your student submitted.

  3. What a blessing to see your family in December! I would love to see mine!

    currently #23

  4. Hooray for fun mail!! I love it - getting it but especially sending it!!
