Monday, April 11, 2022


   Happy Monday, Y'all

Today I'm joining Anne from In Residence for her monthly link-up, where we share what's currently going on in our lives. And each month, Anne gives us a list of prompts to use to guide our posts. 

April's prompts are...

  * getting * going * planning * posting * thinking *

I'm currently getting back to school, after two weeks off for Spring Break. I can't say my break was entirely work-free. But still... I did get to sleep later than 5:30 each day, so that part was nice :)

I'm currently going, or should I say, I went, no where for Spring Break. I was supposed to go to Prague for a conference, which would have been quite awesome. But, between COVID and the stuff happening in the Ukraine, the conference got cancelled. I was definitely bummed about this cancellation at first. But I must admit... It was nice being home, having some quiet time, and resting, all of which will be especially nice, since April is going to be busier than normal for me. 

I'm currently planning lessons on the truth of Easter this week. Have I mentioned lately how much I love working at a Christian school? :)

I'm currently posting nothing terribly exciting... I did post the meme below on Facebook yesterday, as I was in the middle of pricing tickets for my flight to the US this summer. My oh my is flying expensive...

I'm currently thinking about two families who are hurting and mourning the loss of their loved ones. A pastor from a church in Alabama passed away. And then, a fellow AG missionary recently passed away, as well. I love the thought of both of these men hanging out with Jesus, swapping stories, and being welcomed by the people they helped lead to salvation. But even with that... My heart still breaks for two families mourning the loss of such great men, who so obviously loved their families and the people they ministered to. Will you help me pray for both of their families?

And that's about it for me at the moment.

So what about you?

What are you currently up to?

1 comment:

  1. Here's to a great second half of the semester. How nice to have two full weeks of spring break! And,yes, I can imagine (and know) what a joy and privilege it is to work at a Christian school!! Hope you are having a good week!
