Wednesday, September 28, 2022

What's Up September

   Happy Wednesday, Y'all

Today, I'm joining Shay and Sheaffer for their What's Up Wednesday link-up. 

Every month we answer the same list of questions based on how things are currently going in our lives.

So let's get started...

What am I eating?

Y'all, these macarons are so, so good. They're a bit pricey, so they're not something I allow myself to have often. But every once in a while, I'll grab a box when I'm at the store that sells them. Yum!

What am I reminiscing about?

I've been thinking a lot about my time at my school... I remember hearing about the job opening at Dakar Academy and nervously filling out the application. I remember that early morning phone interview with the, then, director. I remember that first plane ride and arrival in Senegal. I remember walking in my first classroom and meeting my first group of students (some who are already out of college and even married now!!). I remember so many memories of teaching all of the students I have taught during the many, many years that I've been at DA. I remember the stress and tears and meetings that accompanied me trying to start my class. I remember our first day and the realization that the dream God had placed on my heart had finally come true. I remember mentoring students and leading clubs over the years. I remember times spent working with the class I've co-sponsored the past 2 years and of the early days of us planning for this year, which we knew would be super busy, but fun (and boy, were we right!). I remember friends and co-workers who have come and gone (and some who have stayed). I remember so much that has changed over the years (and at the same time, so many things, too, that are still the same ol', same ol'). I told someone the other day that, some days, it boggles my mind that I started working at DA in 2009. Some days it feels like just yesterday... But it's been such a substantial part of my adult life. It's crazy how time flies.

I came to DA in 2009. Yet, sometimes, it seems like just yesterday...

 What am I loving?

I know it's probably weird to say... But I love seeing these snails. Yes, I know they can be gross. And yes, it's true that I thoroughly dislike the rain that brings these snails out of hiding. However, I really do like seeing them. ...because for whatever reason, they make me smile. And yes, I know I'm weird. Ha :)

What have I been up to?

Working with our junior class, selling all sorts of yummy snacks (and the occasional meal)... Well, I've been mostly just supervising. They've been the ones working. As I told them the other day, my co-sponsor and I are blessed to be able to work with such a great group of kids :)

What am I dreading? 

Going outside - Hot Season in Dakar is no joke.

What am I working on?

Trusting God at all times

 What am I excited about?

I'm excited when my people are doing well and learning (and actually enjoying what they're learning, on top of that). My job isn't always easy. It requires a lot of work. But I love what I do. I love working with these incredible kids that God has placed in my classroom. And I get excited when I see them learning and happy and growing/thriving. What a gift these kids are!

What am I watching?

Very little

What am I reading?

I'm reading/studying my way through the book of Psalms. 

What am I listening to?

I have such an eclectic taste when it comes to music. As long as the person singing isn't screaming at me or cursing or singing about total filth, I'll probably listen to it :)

What am I wearing?

I've been wearing my tennis shoes more and more. Most definitely not for looks. It's all for comfort/stability. Getting old is fun, y'all ;)

 What am I doing this weekend?

It's Fall Break at school. So I'm planning to enjoy a 4-day weekend. I made plans to go get a pedicure with a friend on the last day of the long weekend. But past that, I haven't made any other plans. I am actually, just really looking forward to having some down time - time to catch up on sleep for sure. But also, to rest (physical rest, mental rest, spiritual rest, etc.). I may end up venturing out at some point, but I'm just not planning anything yet...

Yay for long weekends!

What am I looking forward to next month?

October will be a busy month for our junior class, since we'll have our biggest fundraiser of the school at the end of the month - along with all the other normal weekly times of selling things. And even though it'll be busy, I'm looking forward to it. I love working with these kids, getting to know them more, hearing about their days and their lives, and seeing what incredible humans they are. 

Favorite Recent Amazon Find?

The zipper on my backpack broke and proved to be too broke to be fixed, without being totally replaced (and the replacement zipper wasn't the best looking, to be honest). So, thankfully, a friend who made a trip to the States graciously offered to bring a replacement back for me when she returns. So I ordered one from Amazon. Yay for an affordable (and cute) option that will be able to hold my computer/books/stuff for work (and will double as a big purse for me too)!

What else is new?

I had to visit our neighborhood police station yesterday, to get my replacement residency card, which allows me to continue, legally, living here. As I said earlier in this post, it's hard to believe that I've been here so long. Some days, it really feels like yesterday that I landed in this country. And here I am, having been here over a decade. Where does the time go?

And that's what I'm up to this month.

What about you?

What are YOU up to this month?

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