Monday, May 6, 2024

Hello Monday

    Happy Monday, Y'all

Today I'm joining Holly and Sarah, and a few other bloggers, for today's Hello Monday link-up, where we say Hello to Monday with a look at what's going on in our lives at the moment.

 So what's on my mind?

A lot. But 'tis the norm with me, I suppose.

Things like...

Indoor Yard Sale - I had one this past weekend. While it was incredibly chaotic and overwhelming at times, it was still good. I was able to sell/give away so much stuff. I was able to make money to set aside for all the random things I’ll need to pay for at the end of the school year. And while I do still have some random odds and ends to get rid of, at least the big stuff is all gone now. 


The Sight/Sound of Waves - This is something I love. It's so relaxing and peaceful. A friend and I went out to eat yesterday at one of my favorite locations in Dakar. And the reason I like the location so much is because of the view of the water. And since I wasn't sure if I'd have the time to get back out there again before I'd leave, I went yesterday...

Jungle Book - Our school held their annual Spring Play this past weekend. It was so fun to see the talent of our kids (and their teacher/director, who is super talented as well). I loved the show!

Thai food - I went out for it with some friends the other night. I haven't been to this restaurant in a long time, but it was still just as good as I remember. And of course, since thinking of various memories is my new thing now... I thought about us having our elementary teacher dinners there a few years in a row. I thought about dinner with two friends there to celebrate one graduating with her master's degree. I thought about dinner with my former AGWM Area Directors and Supervising Missionaries. I thought about some friends and former DA co-workers who got engaged there, remembering how excited she was when he dropped her off at home that night and they told us the news. I even thought about the time a few friends and I drove all the way over there battling the crazy Dakar traffic at night just to find out they were closed, so we ended up at the restaurant just down from the school, eating ice cream for dinner and we talked and laughed for so long. Ah, memories :)

5 - That's how many weeks (minus a day) are left before I'm scheduled to leave Senegal. That fact is crazy to me.

Romans 12:11-12 - These are the verses God keeps bringing to my mind. Lord, help me not lose sight of them. Help me 

Rest - I've needed it. Boy do I. I didn't realize 'til I finished prepping for the "yard sale" and I had finally sat down. I may not have a ton of it the next few weeks. But I'm hoping to find a way to "get away" for a bit once school's out - to read my Bible and pray and to give my brain/heart a couple days to process the last almost 15 years of my life before shifting to whatever God has in store for me next. I've thought about heading to a hotel here in Senegal - one that's close to the airport, so I can take the few days between the end of school and the day I fly out - and spend a couple nights there and then take the shuttle to the airport. But they're a bit pricey. So I'm back to researching online, to find an option, either here or in the US, that I could actually afford...

And I guess that's about it for today.

What's on your mind today?


  1. Getting down to crunch time! That Thai food looks amazing!

  2. Thai food is my favorite. I love the green curry! I'm glad your sale went well. Have a nice week
