Monday, March 25, 2024

Hello Monday

Happy Monday, Y'all

Today I'm joining Holly and Sarah, and a few other bloggers, for today's Hello Monday link-up, where we say Hello to Monday with a look at what's going on in our lives at the moment.

 So what's on my mind?

A lot. But 'tis the norm with me, I suppose.

Things like...

Teaching Writing - I love to write. Love it. I also love teaching it. So it's a bonus when each of the classes I'm teaching are in the middle of big writing projects. Research, citing sources, combining information into one big cohesive paper, seeing kids interested in writing too... I love it all :)

Job Interviews - I've been looking for jobs based in Alabama. I've applied for lots (both teaching and non-teaching) and y'all... I'm remembering how difficult this process is. Scouring the websites of various places, searching job sites, emailing people, interviewing, etc. It's a lot. But my prayer is still, as it has been since the beginning, that God would close the doors that aren't right and open the one that is. ** Shameless plug... Anyone want to hire me? I'll be back the second-ish week of June, ready to work :)

Reminders of the COVID School Year - I'm in the middle of planning online lessons for a student. And while it does make for more work, I do like it. I've always liked teaching online, having to be creative with activities and methods of assessment, all of that... And yes, it does remind me of the COVID school year, when we got out mid-March and didn't return to in-person learning the rest of the school year. And while I, obviously, would have preferred to have been with my students in person, I loved that time with my students. It may have made for super long hours for me, since my situation, as a Special Ed Teacher for kids in middle and high school was unique with working with so many different students in so many different subjects in so many different grade levels. But still.. It was just so much easier to give one on one attention that way. So yeah... I keep having flashbacks to some of the positives of that weird school year :)

Apples - Lately, I can't seem to get my fill of apples. Apples and peanut butter, apples with chocolate drizzled on top, apples dipped in caramel, just plain apples... Yum!

Isaiah 43:19 - This is the verse God laid on my heart at the beginning of this school year. The one that eventually helped me while making the decision to not renew my contract/term with my school and with AGWM. I printed off this image of the verse written out and attached it to my computer so I'd see it each day. 

Spring Break Plans - It's hard to believe it's already (well, almost) time for Spring Break! Our last day before Break is this Thursday. So I've been making out a list of all I hope to accomplish during the break. What's on the list? Every single drawer, cabinet, shelf, bin, and any other nook & cranny I could think of, that's in my apartment... I'll be sorting through it all deciding what to keep, what to give away/sell, what to trash, etc. It's amazing how much stuff you can collect in close to 15 years. Between stuff I've brought from the US or bought here or stuff people have left here (since I've always had a hard time saying "no" when missionaries would leave and ask if I'd like to take what they couldn't get rid of)... Yeah, it's a lot. But I have a plan and I want to be done by the end of break. And any time I have a deadline, I'm much more willing to work on something. That's for sure.

Getting a Doctorate - It's something that's always been in the back of my mind. But I vowed I would not get another degree while overseas. I did two master's degrees fully online, while living in the land of spotty electricity and internet and that was enough for me. But now that I'll be heading back to the US... I'm considering it. Teachers who have gotten theirs while teaching... What are your thoughts? Doable? Not?

My Mom - She's great, y'all. She really is. And one of the big perks of going back to the US for good is being back near her. Possibly even living with her if I get a job close enough to do so (which is what I'm hoping will happen)... It's been fun daydreaming about it with her :)

Reading Psalms - I'm slowly making my way through a study on Psalms and I'm loving it. Just yesterday I was reading Psalm 16:8, which says, I have set the Lord always before me; because he is at my right hand, I shall not be shaken. I know I've read this so many times in my life. But for whatever reason, yesterday they stuck out more. It's just such a good reminder. I need to keep looking ahead at the Lord, letting Him keep His place before me, and if I do, then I will not be shaken. Why? Because I will not be trying to take control of my own life. Instead, I'll be trusting fully in my Savior, that He knows what's right for my life, that He is in control and He will provide. I don't have to worry. I will not be shaken. And while I won't lie and say this is always easy for me to do, I will say that it does take a little of the pressure of life off my shoulders. And for that, I am grateful.

My Nieces Boy do I miss those girls... I was looking through some old pictures this weekend and came across this one, from during the COVID school year. Since they were home all day, we had fairly regular video chats. And it became a tradition, of sorts, to do a weekly read aloud over Skype. On the day I took this picture, I was reading a book to the girls. And then after that, they each read to me. Such a sweet memory :)

And I guess that's about it for today.

Happy Monday Y'all


  1. Thank you for joining us- love what's on your mind!

  2. Good luck with the job hunt in whatever direction it takes you. Good teachers are always in demand, and I hope you can get a job close to your family.
