Wednesday, March 27, 2024

What's Up March

    Happy Wednesday, Y'all

Today, I'm joining Shay and Sheaffer for March's What's Up Wednesday link-up. 

Every month we answer the same list of questions based on how things are currently going in our lives.

So let's get started...

What am I eating?

This week, I made orange chicken and sauteed veggies for my lunches, which has been super tasty. The veggies are especially good. They were the last thing to cook. So thankfully, when the cooking gas ran out, I could easily transfer them to the electric griddle. Anywho - It was just a frozen bag of mixed veggies. So I cooked them with some onion powder, ground ginger, and salt. If I'd had garlic powder or black pepper, I probably would've added those too. At any rate, I just cooked them, stirring a bit here or there, cooking 'til the liquid was gone. Seriously, y'all... I get it's such a simple accompaniment to my meal. But it really was (is) so good!

What am I reminiscing about?

My cousin's birthday was the other day. And this picture popped up on my Facebook memories for the day. So while I obviously don't remember this picture being taken, it did make me start reminiscing about all sorts of fun memories over the years. When we were little, it was fun to have a cousin so close in age. My cousin is only 7 months younger than me. Then she's only 11 months older than my brother. So we all 3 always had all sorts of fun, playing with one another. It was great!

 What am I loving?

Lately, we've been having some really nice weather here in Dakar. I'm loving stepping outside and feeling the cool breeze blowing. After having such a ridiculously long Hot Season, and thinking Cool Season would never arrive, I must say, this change in temps lately has definitely been nice.

What have I been up to?

Working on my computer a lot... Lesson prep for a few online classes I've been teaching plus my normal lesson plan prep for my in-person classes, finishing up paperwork getting ready to transfer student files to a more "shared" electronic location for the person taking over with my students next year, making schedules for kids who need it, emailing teachers and students for quarterly progress monitoring of my people, filling out job applications and participating in video chat interviews, researching potential doctoral programs, etc. etc. etc. I'm hoping to give my computer a bit of a break during Spring Break, which is happening soon. Wish me luck on that :)

What am I dreading?

I'm dreading job of sorting through almost 15 years worth of stuff in my apartment, deciding what clothes, books, furniture items, kitchen things, household stuff, etc. to sell/give away, what to trash, and what to take with me back to the US (in the 3 free bags I'm given since I'm cheap and don't want to pay for more bags). I've done a little bit already. But I'd already decided to save the bulk of this massive undertaking until Spring Break, which starts this weekend. Thankfully, I'll have a week and a half at home to work on it before we start back to school for professional development days. So I'll have plenty of time to pace myself. But I'd much rather get it all done during the break. I don't want to get to the end and be scrambling. So my goal is to work far enough ahead, I won't have to do so much at the end, and can instead just enjoy those last couple months, supporting my students in all their activities/events after school each day/on the weekend instead of sorting/packing so much. Wish me luck :)

What am I working on?

Tomorrow is Parent Teacher Conferences. I've been compiling reports from other teachers on my students, notes from my own work with/observations of them, report cards, etc., getting ready for conferences. I can't say conferences are my most favorite part of the job. But I do, indeed, see the value in them. 

 What am I excited about?

Spring Break, of course!

What am I watching?

After a Facebook friend shared an image from The Breakfast Club the other day, pointing out that it debuted 40 years ago (wow!), I, of course, decided I wanted to watch it again. So I'm think I might just do that this weekend. Anyone local want to watch it with me? :)

What am I reading?

I sold one of my bookshelves at home. So I had to take the books off of it. I figure before I totally get rid of the books, I'll reread a couple of them. I have no problem rereading books. Which is good, considering how many I have at home at the moment :)

What am I listening to?

Nothing new... Anyone have a suggestion for me? I have quite the eclectic taste when it comes to music. And I'm always up for suggestions.

What am I wearing?

Nothing new or exciting :)

 What am I doing this weekend?

Spring Break starts on Friday (Good Friday)! And this weekend is Easter. I haven't made any official plans. But I think I'll probably just hang around home and sleep. During the first few days of Spring Break, you can usually find me crashed and catching up on sleep :)

What am I looking forward to next month?

Since Spring Break starts at the tail end of March, but goes into April, I can answer this question by saying... Spring Break and not having to set an alarm clock. Can I get an Amen on that?! :) Past that, I'm looking forward to starting down the "slide" that is the last few weeks of school after Spring Break. Although, I must say... It is most definitely bittersweet because while I am, indeed, quite excited for and proud of my seniors for making it (well, almost making it) to the end of the school year, I'm sad... I hate goodbyes. Hate them. So between saying goodbye to my seniors graduating and since I'm leaving, having to say goodbye to my other students and my friends (and saying goodbye to my life in Senegal, in general)... Well, yeah. It's bittersweet for sure.

Favorite recent Amazon find?

I would've said the same thing as last time, since I'm trying not to buy stuff and instead save money. But I did have to buy one thing, which a relative of a student graciously brought out for me. It's now the new addition to my morning routine. I'm not back at 100% yet and I do still have to be careful and not eat too much of certain kinds of food (Hello spicy foods and chocolate... I'm talking to you.). But if I stay away from those, and then other random things here or there... I am able to have a little reprieve from the insanity that my gut has experiencing for the last few weeks. Now, if it'd get all the way better, I'd really be a happy lady.

What's new this month?

I shared the news that after 14.5 years, I'll be leaving Senegal for good in June. You can read more about that in the post I wrote last week HERE. It's such a weird, bittersweet kind of feeling. I do feel peace in the decision I've made to leave, knowing it is definitely 100% led by God. But I'd be lying if I said it wasn't still hard to think of leaving after being here for so long. And the goodbyes... Oh my word, y'all, I'm dreading the goodbyes.

And that's what I'm up to this month.

What about you?

What are YOU up to this month? 

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