Sunday, February 9, 2020

Gratitude for My Mama

Happy Monday
Each month I share a bit of gratitude here on my blog. Sometimes, I share gratitude for a certain person or a certain thing. Sometimes I share a random list. And sometimes, I share a lesson God is teaching me.

Today, I’m sharing gratitude for this woman...

That’s my Mama.

She’s been through a lot in her life. But she’s always been a fighter. She’s so tough!

She is kind and generous, loving and compassionate. She’s loyal and dependable.

She is selfless and loves to care for others. She is helpful and patient and always finds ways to serve others with a joyful heart.

She’s always up for an adventure and makes my often required traveling so much more entertaining. 

She puts God first in her life and has faithfully served him for the majority of her life.

She has taught/shown me so much. She was an amazing pastor’s wife, servant’s heart, and all around good person. She was an amazing wife. And she still is an amazing Mama and Granny :)

She is my biggest confidant and my go-to advice giver. She is encouraging and supportive. And she is a guaranteed prayer warrior.

She’s the best. She really is.

So yes, today, I'm sharing gratitude for my best friend, my Mama :)


I started my monthly Growing in Gratitude posts, as part of the link-up fun, hosted by Julie from Fall into Life, where bloggers would share a bit of gratitude each month. Julie stopped hosting the link-up last summer. But I decided to keep posting a monthly gratitude-themed post. After all, there's always something for which we can be grateful. Right? :)

And, in case you missed last month's post..

You can click below to read it.


So what about YOU? 

What are you grateful for today?

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