Monday, January 6, 2020

A Year of Gratitude

Happy Monday

On the first Monday of each month, I share a bit of gratitude here on the blog. Sometimes I share gratitude for a certain person or a certain thing. Sometimes I share a random list. And sometimes, I share a lesson God is teaching me. And today...

Today, I'm taking a look back at 2019.

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I started January off with a look back at 2018, followed by a look ahead as I shared my words of the year, which took the place of the more traditional New Year's Resolutions. I also made an introduction to new readers, among other posts.

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February started off with a look at My Why - as in why I do what I do. Later in the month, I took a look at reading and shared a bit about this past time that I love, but definitely don't devote as much time as I'd like to. Towards the middle of the month, I shared my top 5, in regards to my brother. And then towards the end of the month, I wrote a sad post, in which I talked about my dog.

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In March, I started off with a look at my family. Not long after that, I wrote about my first love, as discussed in Revelation 2. Later, I wrote a pretty popular post about writing, followed by one entitled You might be a SPED Teacher if... Towards the end of the month, I shared about our school's first Service Day and about World Down Syndrome Day. A fun post from March was my 1,000th blog post. 

Image may contain: 6 people, including Josh Nichols, Victoria Payton Nichols, Debra Nichols and Elisabeth Nichols, people smiling, people standing

April started off to a letter to my "adopted homeland" on Senegal's Independence Day. I also wrote about my Spring Break in America. Later in the month, I wrote about some of my favorite memories of my dad, in honor of the 4th anniversary of his death. I wrote a few other posts. And then I ended the month with a recap of a fun event I host at our school every year - Elementary Camp.

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In May, I started off with a letter to teachers needing energy at the end of the school year. I also shared 10 things I wish I'd known before becoming a teacher AND 10 things I wish I'd known before becoming a missionary. I shared a fun writing project I had my students complete. And I also shared about the sometimes confusing nature of Home Assignments. I took a look back at the 16 years since graduating high school. And then, I ended the month with a description of my 5 favorites.

June started off with a look back at the 2018-2019 school year and later, with a look at a missions related favorite. I also wrote another post, discussing a reminder of how even in the midst of truly painful/scary situations, God is still here.

I spent all of July in the US with family. And apparently, I enjoyed myself a lot, because I wrote next to no posts throughout the month. My main post of note was the one in which I reflected on my move to Senegal a decade ago.

August saw more posts to the blog. I started the month off with 34 reasons for which I'm grateful. On the first day of school, I wrote a list of things I wanted my students to know. And then towards the end of the month, I discussed a lesson I had learned on God's provision and love.

September was a slow month on the blog, due to some major busy-ness in my life outside of blogging world. The two main posts of note were the one which started the month off with a bit of hope, followed by a post on The One who holds my future

As per usual, after a slow month in September, there was a definite rise in posts in October, starting with one on impactful books. There was a post on Jesus wept and the songs, Do It Again by Elevation Worship. Towards the middle of the month, I shared some thoughts about my dad, and how I wish I could go to him with some questions I was having about the Bible. And then I ended the month on a far less serious note, by talking a bit about coffee.

November was another slow blog note. started off on a happy note, sharing my excitement over our class "family" finally being all together. And then, among other posts, I shared a bit of gratitude for the best book out there - The Bible.

I started December off with a recap of my Thanksgiving weekend, followed by a post shared on Giving Tuesday. I shared a bit of my heart in my post, entitled, I'm A Teacher. Then towards the end of the month, I wrote a post about applying an oxygen mask. December was a full month, both while in Dakar and back in Alabama during Christmas Break, full of all sorts of Christmas fun.


I started my monthly Growing in Gratitude posts, as part of the link-up fun, hosted by Julie from Fall into Life, where bloggers would share a bit of gratitude each month. Julie stopped hosting the link-up this past summer. But I decided to keep posting a monthly gratitude-themed post. After all, there's always something for which we can be grateful. Right? :)

And, in case you missed my previous month's posts...

You can click below to read them.

February - My Why

March - Photos from February  

April - Random List of Gratitude 

May - Lessons Learned

June - The 2018-2019 School Year

July - Random Bits of Gratitude

 August - 34 Reasons Why I'm Grateful

September - Hope 

October - Impactful Books

November - Gratitude for The Bible

December - My Thanksgiving Weekend


So what about YOU? 

What are you grateful for today?


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