Wednesday, April 1, 2020


 Happy Wednesday, Y'all

 Image result for CURRENTLY april

Today I'm joining Anne from In Residence for her monthly link-up, where we share what's currently going on in our lives. And each month, Anne gives us a list of prompts to use to guide our posts. 

April's prompts are...

* sharing *  writing * wishing * investigating * buying * 

So what am I currently up to?
I'm currently sharing more on finding the positives from my day during this extended break from school. Thankfully, my school already had a 2 week long Spring Break. So we ended up letting our students have an extended Spring Break. And teachers were able to have an extra week of mandated lesson planning. ...which was nice. Anywho - In the midst of all the wide range of emotions brought on by living in a foreign country in the midst of a worldwide pandemic, I've found that taking a bit of time each day to focus on the positives has been helpful.

I'm currently writing, typing, highlighting, and reading a lot, as I work on my grad school assignments. That was my plan all along for Spring Break... I knew it was an ideal time to work ahead on assignments, so I wouldn't have so much to do when we went back to school. So I've been a good student and have knocked out quite a few assignments, as a result. Go me! :)

I'm currently wishing (praying) COVID-19 would go away. I'm wishing things could get back to normal. I'm wishing the fear of the unknown wasn't such a prevalent thing. And the fears are amplified when living in a foreign country, with family so far away. I worry about my family, friends, church family, students, etc. Even though I know I shouldn't worry. I know I should stop and just give complete control to God. But it's hard sometimes. So yeah... I am definitely wishing COVID-19 would go away.

I'm currently investigating topics I could study for an upcoming research paper for my class. Y'all... I love writing papers. I know it's probably weird. Make me take a test and I'll tense up, freak out, and probably not do so well. But let me write a paper and that's where you'll see me shine. I love it :)

I'm currently buying nothing (other than some fresh produce last week). Self-quarantining will definitely help with saving money. Although, now that I think about it, I did order some books for my nieces through a sale a friend was running. 

50 motivating quotes about books and reading

 And since it's my blog and I can, I thought I'd share a few more...

I'm currently feeling grateful for the gift of some beaded necklaces. Y'all, all Special Ed. Teachers know a good fidget/stimming tool is HUGE. And since a couple of my kids are absolutely OBSESSED with these, I quickly said a big YES when a co-worker asked if I'd like them! It may seem like a small thing. But it's huge for me!

I'm currently laughing at a lot of the COVID-19 themed memes floating around online lately. It's such a welcome distraction from the doom and gloom posts sometimes. After all, they do say laughter is the best medicine. Right? :)

I'm currently rotating through emotions here. And do you want to know something? That's okay. We're human. We're not robots. We're meant to feel things. But I will say... I'm thankful that the happy face/good days far outweigh the alternatives.

I'm currently clinging to the promises in this book. I'm thankful for the ability to read and study and then read and study some more. I'm thankful that I teach in a Christian school and am able to integrate little nuggets of Truth into the lessons I teach.

  So what about you?

What are your currently up to?


  1. Oh my gosh, I've seen a LOT of memes lately, but not that LEGO one :) And I know nothing about this nightmare is funny--but sometimes we really do NEED to laugh. Right?

  2. That lego one just cracked me up! I hadn't seen it either! Good one!
    We are all going to come out of this greater than before. Everything will be okay, somehow.

  3. Thanks for the humor!! And I'm thinking we are going to save some money here as well (minus tax time etc etc!!) Keep looking for those positives!!:)

  4. That little Lego "wash your hands" gave me a good smile. Hang in there - I can only imagine it's hard being away from some of your loved ones at a crazy time like this. And at the same time it's great to be able to pick out some positives - that's what's getting us through right now. Hang in there!

  5. It sounds like you are finding the positives, and that will help a lot. Books are helping a lot, especially the Good Book! Bless you - stay well.
