Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Technology and Gratitude

Happy Tuesday, Y'all

 Image may contain: one or more people

Today I'm grateful for technology.

I'm grateful for being able to be connected to my family back home.

I'm grateful for being able to continue teaching my students even though the government required all schools (school buildings) to close.

I'm grateful for programs that allow me to record videos of me teaching various lessons for my students who need that.

I'm grateful that I can still do "read alouds" via video conferencing.

I'm grateful for emails and chats with students, checking in on them, encouraging them, and answering all of their questions.

I'm grateful for the variety of resources available online, helping me not have to reinvent the wheel. 

I'm grateful for churches around the world sharing their services through youtube videos, Facebook/Instagram livestreams, and more.

I'm grateful for emails and Facebook messages from family, friends, and mission supporters back home, just writing to check on me.

I'm grateful for virtual "hangout" sessions with friends during this time when a face to face hangout just can't happen, for the change to laugh and talk and pray together, or even to vent or cry or sometimes both, when the stress/weight of the worldwide pandemic and online schooling feels like it's too much to handle.

I'm grateful for IT guys who keep our internet and computers running smoothly, for training us on various programs, and for being patient with those of us who struggle with technology at times.

I'm grateful for our students, positively dealing with this hand they've been dealt, powering through multiple online classes even when it's difficult.

I'm grateful for our teachers, sacrificing/spending far more time prepping because contrary to popular belief, it is NOT easy to teach online (if you've been teaching in the traditional manner).

I'm grateful for parents of our students, supporting their kids, helping them with assignments/activities, positively responding to teachers, and joining the "we are a team" mindset, even when faced with this new type of schooling.

I'm grateful for supportive teachers and administration, helping each other out, having virtual meetings, sending devotions through email, etc.

I'm grateful for government officials, making hard decisions, working to keep their people safe and healthy as best as they can.

And most of all...

I'm grateful that God has me in His hand. 

I'm grateful that when I struggle with the unknowns and I cry and ask "why," he gives me grace. He loves me. And I can know that, no matter what, He is still in control. And I can always trust in that.

So what about YOU?

What are you grateful for today?


 In case you missed the past two months' Tuesday Talk posts, and you're curious, you can click on the link below to check it out.


January - Confidence

February - When God Gives A Girl A Brother

March - I Spy


I started my monthly Growing in Gratitude posts, as part of the link-up fun, hosted by Julie from Fall into Life, where bloggers would share a bit of gratitude each month. Julie stopped hosting the link-up last summer. But I decided to keep posting a monthly gratitude-themed post. After all, there's always something for which we can be grateful. Right? :)

And, in case you missed last month's post..

You can click below to read it.

January - A Year of Gratitude

February - Gratitude for My Mama 

March - Smiling

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