Wednesday, July 1, 2020


Happy Wednesday, Y'all

Today I'm joining Anne from In Residence for her monthly link-up, where we share what's currently going on in our lives. And each month, Anne gives us a list of prompts to use to guide our posts. 

July's prompts are...

 * cooking *  photographing * sharing * trying * wondering *

So what am I currently up to?

I'm currently cooking very little, as I still can't stand (on my "good" foot) very long without being in pain. And let's face it... Trying to cook while using crutches is almost impossible. But thankfully, I've had sweet friends sharing meals with me, having food delivered, etc. I've been blessed for sure.

I'm currently photographing very little since I've been stuck inside my apartment for almost one full month. That fact totally boggles my mind, y'all. 

I'm currently sharing very little on the blog. I've got lots of ideas. I've even drafted a couple posts. But, I just haven't shared them. Writing has always been kind of therapeutic for me. But lately... Lately, my heart just hasn't been in it.

I'm currently trying to take care of all the things online since I wasn't able to go back to the States this summer. How is it that everything expired during the one summer I was NOT in the US? What are the odds of that? ;) 

I'm currently wondering a lot of What ifs as I prepare to go back for more x-rays and a follow-up with the doctor on Friday.  What if it's worse? What if he says I need surgery? What would that mean for the upcoming school year? Where would I go for it? What about COVID-19? How would that affect surgery and travel and such? How would I arrange a wheelchair at an airport? What about the financial implications of a more serious injury? And what about recovery time? I'm a teacher that teaches 8 out of 8 periods a day. I don't have a lot of downtime during the day. So how would that work? The fear of the unknown is a big thing for me.

 And since it's my blog and I can, I thought I'd share a couple more...

I'm currently taking a class on assessing students with special needs. I can't say that assessments are my most favorite thing in the world. But it is a necessary part of the education world. So why not learn more about it and help out the people God has placed in my care? :)

I'm currently liking this quote a friend shared on Facebook the other day. It pricked my heart, for sure. What a great reminder of the importance of His Word!

  So what about you?

What are your currently up to?


  1. Good luck as you recover! So glad you have friends by your side.

  2. I hope you are feeling stronger soon and have a good day.

  3. That's great you have friends bringing you food! I hope you feel better soon.


  4. I hope you feel better soon. It sounds like you have a great support system. I can help with the wheelchair question! Call your airline and airport a few days ahead of time and tell them that you require wheelchair assistance. Make sure to tell all airports that you will be at. Hopefully you won't need to do this though!

  5. So many "what ifs" in this time already, and then when you have an injury or crisis come up, it is just a lot! I hope the recovery goes well so that you can put some of those what ifs behind you. Meanwhile, good to hear that you have help with meals, because cooking on crutches does sound awful! I would eat a lot of toast otherwise ;-) Hang in there!

  6. Did you have your follow-up today? I hope all is healing and progressing well. Was thinking about you today (after I read your post yesterday)!

    1. Hi Jennifer - I did have my follow-up. No surgery needed, praise the Lord! I'm now slowly walking/shuffling around without the boot AND without crutches. I'm still dealing with a lot of pain and swelling when I move around too much. But it's so much better than it was. Thank you so much for asking!

  7. Wishing you well with your recovery.
