Wednesday, October 7, 2020


Happy Wednesday, Y'all

Today I'm joining Anne from In Residence for her monthly link-up, where we share what's currently going on in our lives. And each month, Anne gives us a list of prompts to use to guide our posts. 

October's prompts are...

 * admiring *  going * making * scheduling * wishing*

I'm currently admiring the handiwork of some of our elementary students. I love seeing their creative minds, thinking up these elaborate structures. I love hearing their conversations with one another, making plans for what steps they’ll need to take. And most of all, I love seeing them work together, encouraging one another, whether it be while studying spelling words, reading aloud, writing a story, practicing multiplication facts, or being creative and building something like the bus pictured below.

I'm currently going to be sending a fun envelope to my nieces, thanks to a co-worker making a trip back to the States. Yay for the chance to send fun mail. I also may or may not have found some inexpensive holiday book options on Amazon to send them as well. My aunt heart is super happy when I can spoil my nieces just a little :)

I'm currently making very little food. I'm trying to eat up what I have in my apartment. Even if that means means taking a sandwich and some chips for lunch, instead of a normal “hot lunch” like what I’m used to. 

I'm currently scheduling Physical Therapy appointments for my ankle. Or at least someone is helping me to do so, since my French is not the best when needing to know medical terminology... Also, we’re finding it to be somewhat difficult to find a PT with teacher friendly hours. Fun times, y’all. 

I'm currently wishing the news I’d gotten on my ankle would’ve been better. It turns out that not only has my fracture not fully healed, but I also have a torn ligament. So it totally makes sense that I’ve literally been in pain while walking, every single day for the past 4 months. Help me pray that PT helps and I don’t have to end up needing surgery...

 And since it's my blog and I can, I thought I'd share a couple more :)

I'm currently attending our Professional Development sessions today and tomorrow. I'm a weird one. The learner in me is stoked when we have workshops and training days and stuff like this. I love it!

I'm currently reading my 32nd book of the year. And now I'm starting to wonder how many I will have read by the end of the year. Knowing that I have a long weekend this weekend, combined with both Thanksgiving Break and Christmas Break happening before the last day of 2020 helps. I can read all sorts of books during those times when I'm off from work. So who knows what my 2020 Book Total will be :)

I'm currently missing my family. Ironically, the COVID situation in Senegal seems to be under control. Go Senegal! But it's still pretty rough in the US. So I just don’t know... Do I go at Christmas? Do I wait 'til summer? Decisions, decisions...

I'm currently looking forward to this upcoming weekend. We don't have school on Friday and I'm planning to take full advantage of the extra time off from work by embracing the art of "self-care." I'm planning to rest/relax and also (and more importantly), spend some time in prayer and study of His Word. There's been so much going on lately that my brain feels like it's swimming. So I think having a little time "away" and "unplugged" will be good for my brain/heart.

I’m currently prepping to teach yet another lesson each day, of a class which I’ve never taught before. So it looks like I’ve got a bit of studying to do this weekend ;)

  So what about you?

What are you currently up to?


  1. Will definitely say a prayer that you can get PT scheduled....AND that they will help! That is too long for constant pain!!:( Will pray for complete healing as well!

  2. Hopefully you get the help you need! We know how amazing it can be to get the right PT - prayers you don't need surgery. It looks like your year is off to a pretty good start despite the ankle.

  3. Sorry to hear you've been in such pain. I hope PT helps!!! Yay for being able to send fun mail though - that's the best.


  4. Oh my, I hope that the ankle heals soon. I hope you find the extra time this weekend restorative to your body, mind and soul.

  5. Sorry to hear about your ankle! Hope you are able to find some improvement with the PT's help. But in the meantime, reading book 33 sounds like an excellent way to rest :)
