Tuesday, November 3, 2020


Happy Wednesday, Y'all

Today I'm joining Anne from In Residence for her monthly link-up, where we share what's currently going on in our lives. And each month, Anne gives us a list of prompts to use to guide our posts. 

November's prompts are...

 * appreciating *  ordering * perfecting * planning * wearing *

I'm currently appreciating all of the fun that was Harvest Fest at my school on Friday. One of my guys ran a booth and had the best time. And y’all... His excitement was contagious! It was such a fun evening :)

I'm currently ordering nothing else. This weekend, I used up the last of an Amazon gift card that a friend gave me for my birthday and ordered a pair of by-no-mean-cute, but unfortunately necessary, compression socks and a fun Christmas shirt (see below). I’m trying to save money since my ankle injury is turning out to be quite pricey. But this latest purchase doesn't count since I had a gift card and didn't have to use my own money... :)

I'm currently perfecting my interactive notebooks system for one of my students, who doesn't have textbooks. Teachers Pay Teachers is a lifesaver, y'all. I'm so thankful for people who share these types of resources so I don't have to reinvent the wheel. 

I'm currently planning to see an orthopedic surgeon on January 4th for a second opinion on my ankle. That appointment is for a consultation. And then we'll go from there, seeing what needs to be done. My doctor here was the one who recommended I get the second opinion by a foot specialist while I'm in the US for my Christmas vacation, as my ankle is just not healing like it should. My goal is to, obviously, not need surgery. But at this point, I'm tired of having constant pain (while walking/standing/sitting with my leg hanging down). I just want some relief, you know...

I'm currently wearing nothing exciting. Yesterday, a friend at work and I showed up wearing the same thing, though. We knew it would happen eventually. And one of my students thought it was absolutely hilarious that the two of us were "like grown up twins." :)

 And since it's my blog and I can, I thought I'd share a couple more :)

I'm currently counting down the days 'til I get to see my family again. Just 45 days from today... I'm so ready!

I'm currently reading my 36th book of the year. This time it's a hardcopy book and not my usual iPad selection. I saw this one on the shelf in the library while dropping something off the other day and decided to check it out. I'm only a few pages in, but so far so good.

I'm currently rewarding myself with this tasty goodness while studying for my grad school class. I find that by the end of the work day, my brain is exhausted. So having a little pick-me-up is a nice treat (literally and figuratively).

And that's about it for me.

So what about you?

What are you currently up to?


  1. Ha, I love those accidental twin moments! Sorry to hear the ankle issue is ongoing - I hope you're able to recover fully soon. Yay for a family visit to look forward to!

    1. Aren't they fun? There are a few of us with that same skirt here. And it's always been a question of when we'll show up wearing it on the same day :)

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. That Christmas shirt is so cute! I need to find a cute Thanksgiving shirt on Amazon. I mean, it'll be for sitting at home, but it'll still make me happy!

    Teachers Pay Teachers is fabulous!! I did a brief stint as an elementary school librarian, and I was so grateful for that website daily! I love the creativity on there.

  3. Lol that photo of the two of you twinning is so cute! And how exciting that you will be seeing your family soon, although I am sorry you are having issues with your injury. :( Hopefully the second opinion gives you what you need to get better.
