Wednesday, May 26, 2021

What's Up May

   Happy Wednesday, Y'all

Today, I'm joining Shay, and Sheaffer for their What's Up Wednesday link-up. 

Every month we answer the same list of questions based on how things are currently going in our lives. 

The questions are...


What am I eating?

I tried out a new (to me) pizza place here in Dakar the other night with some friends. It was super tasty and authentic, too. So good!

What am I reminiscing about?

This school year... It's been a doozy. I was dealing with a nagging injury for a large portion of the year. We've been in person. We've been online. We've had a bit of both. I've planned a semester's worth of sub plans, which I thankfully didn't need. I've prepped assignments in person and I've planned lessons via Zoom while being a few thousand miles and an ocean away. We've dealt with civil unrest in our city. We've dealt with power cuts and ridiculously high heat/humidity. We've said goodbyes/see ya laters to some friends. And we've said hello to new friends. We've worked hard. We've played hard. We've learn and grown together. My students have gone above and beyond, proving over and over again, just how incredible they truly are.

 What am I loving?

The instant pot... Y'all my life has improved so much with the addition of this thing to my cooking world. Seriously, it's so nice!

What have I been up to?

I was recognized a couple weeks ago for having 10 years of service at my school. So that was pretty cool. It's hard to believe it's been that long...

What am I dreading? 

Goodbyes that are coming. One thing about this line of work is the frequent goodbyes/see ya laters. You'd think I'd be used to it. But alas, it's still hard when someone you've gotten close to leaves...

What am I working on?

Wrapping myself in bubble wrap... Or, at least, that's what some friends jokingly said I should do. Y'all, I am just not having great luck. And while a knuckle is a very small part of the body, it sure is dealing me some pain. Just saying.

 What am I excited about?

I get to see my Mama in just 2 1/2 weeks!!!

What am I watching?

One of my guys is almost finished with a novel study on Where the Red Fern Grows. So once he's done, I figure I'll let him watch the movie. I'm not sure that I'm ready for the emotions that come along with watching this movie though. Oh my... 

What am I reading?

I'm in the middle of a study on 1 Timothy with one of my classes. And this is one of my most favorite parts of working at a Christian school. I love being able to study the Bible with my students. And I especially love seeing their eyes light up and their minds going as they're digging deep into the Word of God, learning more and more. Seriously. I love it!

What am I listening to?

Nothing terribly exciting... Although, I am getting ready to make up my newest playlist to listen to while flying home to Alabama in just a few weeks. Anyone have any suggestions for me? I'm not terribly picky. I have quite the eclectic range of taste when it comes to music interests.

What am I wearing?

These shoes... My favorite pair of black shoes sadly "died" last month. But thankfully, some friends who were in the States kindly offered to bring back this pair with them for me. Yay!

 What am I doing this weekend?

I have a couple school events (a couple parties and a concert) to attend this weekend. Then, there's church on Sunday. And I'll need to print off all of the study guides for the exams I'll be giving. Next week is our last week of classes. Then we have a week of exams. And then we'll be done. Somehow, I blinked and the school year has just flown by...

What am I looking forward to next month?

What else is new?

I'm scheduling services for this summer. If anyone would like to hear more about my work here in Senegal - either in a church service, or over coffee/dinner - just let me know. I've got all sorts of fun stories to tell of how God is working in this journey He has called me on. I'd love to share with you just a bit of my heart/passion for the incredible work I get to do.

And that's what I'm up to this month.

What about you?

What are YOU up to this month?

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on 10 years of teaching at the same school! That's impressive!!! And good-byes NEVER get easier -- I HATE them.
