Tuesday, December 27, 2022

What's Up December

     Happy Tuesday, Y'all

Today, I'm joining Shay and Sheaffer for their What's Up Wednesday link-up. Except, I'm posting on Tuesday, since I'll be traveling most of tomorrow...

Every month we answer the same list of questions based on how things are currently going in our lives.

So let's get started...

What am I eating?

I've been cooking/baking quite a bit since being out on Christmas Break. It's been nice to have the time to do it AND to actually not be exhausted while doing so. However, I really really just wanted a simple, "finger foods" type meal. So I made that happen... All sorts of fresh veggies, homemade sausage balls and some homemade chocolate chip/reeses pieces cookies (which didn't get pictured). So so good!

What am I reminiscing about?

Christmas with my students... The last couple weeks of school put me through the emotional ringer. But we took some time in between studying for exams and doing required classwork and the kids decorated the tree. Then we had the sweetest little Christmas party with the kids we see in our room each day. And then there were lots of times with various kids wanting to sit near the lit up Christmas tree and read or study or do their work. I love Christmas time as a teacher!

 What am I loving?

I must admit. I've been loving not having to set an alarm clock lately. I may still wake up super early each day. Not sure that'll ever change... But at least I don't have to hear an alarm clock blaring. Yay for breaks from school!

What have I been up to?

I finally started driving in Dakar. And while I found the picture below on Google images, I think I still could've taken one almost identical to it while out and about, driving, this past week. Y'all, traffic and driving in Dakar is no joke! But yay for independence!

What am I dreading? 

One of my students left. And if I'm being honest, I'm dreading the return in January with our classroom make-up being so different as a result of that departure. Boo to sad goodbyes :(

What am I working on?

I've been working on not working ;) Y'all... One of my main goals for the first week of Christmas Break was to rest/relax/take some time for me and just get refreshed. This past semester has been a doozy. And now I'm leaving today for a week and a half of meetings (with some fun times thrown in too, of course). So I knew I wanted to take some time at home, doing absolutely nothing. And it was glorious! :)

 What am I excited about?

I'm traveling. I'm leaving later today for a conference in South Africa. I'm looking forward to having time to fellowship with friends and colleagues, to worship together and hear about what God's doing all across Africa and let's be honest... I'm also looking forward to being able to visit a mall and maybe even McDonalds or Krispy Kreme, as well. :)

What am I watching?

I've always been a bit intrigued by the royal family. So even though I already have some pretty strong feelings about Harry & Meghan, I wanted to watch their Netflix series. So I downloaded all the episodes to watch while flying. I rarely can sleep on a plane anyway. So it'll give me something to do.

What am I reading?

It's Christmas Break so you'd think I would have had a lot of time to read. But I haven't read anything. I do have a few books downloaded (which have been downloaded for a while, actually, on my iPad to read while traveling tonight/tomorrow. So hopefully, that'll happen...

What am I listening to?

Nothing new or exciting... I will say, though, I think I've hit my limit of Christmas music. Which is odd because I am someone who can usually listen to some of it year around... Ah, how we change :)

What am I wearing?

As I was packing for my trip, I realized that I wear a lot of black. I mean, I already knew that. But wow, did I see just how much this is, indeed, true. Ha!

 What am I doing this weekend?

I'll be in South Africa for our AGWM West Africa and All Africa Conferences. So I'll be in meetings and such for that. It'll be nice seeing friends and co-workers I haven't seen in a while, hearing about what God's doing across this continent, worshipping and fellowshipping together, and staying in hotels/eating nice food/shopping a bit, etc. :)

What am I looking forward to next month?

Well, January starts off still in South Africa for a conference with all of my fellow AGWM co-workers serving in Africa. So that part will be nice. School will start back the second week of January. I can't say I'm thrilled about having to go back to school, but I will be happy to see my students again.

Favorite recent Amazon find?

A friend generously offered to bring me something back from the States, so I ordered some fun things to help me in my New Year's goal of Bible Journaling more. So I'm looking forward to putting those to use when she gets back and passed them on to me :)

What's new this month?

Normally, on Christmas Day, I go with my mom to my cousin's house. It's a fun day celebrating with my mom, her sister, and all of my cousins on that side of the family. I love that we all get together like this each year. Well, since I couldn't make it this year, my cousin set out one of my missions prayer cards so it was like I saw still there with them. It may seem like such a small thing, but to me, it meant so incredibly much. It definitely brought a smile to my face as I faced a "new" way of celebrating Christmas this year. 

And that's what I'm up to this month.

What about you?

What are YOU up to this month?

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