Wednesday, January 25, 2023

What's Up January

      Happy Thursday, Y'all

Today, I'm joining Shay and Sheaffer for their What's Up Wednesday link-up. And yes, I do realize I'm a day late posting. But alas, yesterday was busy. At any rate... Can you believe that the first month of 2023 is already almost over?!

Every month we answer the same list of questions based on how things are currently going in our lives.

So let's get started...

What am I eating?

I could show you the delicious meal I had while at a Brazilian restaurant with friends on Sunday. Or I could show you the amazing chicken tenders and salad I had from a local "just down the road from me" delivery on Monday. But I don't have pictures of those. I was happy to see that our biggest American Food Store has had Peanut Butter M&Ms (which are my absolute favorite!) lately. They're so so good. And since I actually had a picture of them, they're the ones that make the cut for the blog this week. Ha! :)

What am I reminiscing about?

My time in South Africa for our AGWM Conference. Y'all... It was such a good time, with God speaking to my heart in such a sweet, personal, needed way. We had incredible services with great times of worship, inspirational and challenging sermons, and sweet times of prayer. I had time to soak up the beautiful scenery/nature around me (hello pretty flowers and lots of green grass) and more than that, to spend lots of time in the Word. We got to go on a safari drive and marvel at more of God's incredible creation. We had amazing food the entire time. I got to spend time chatting with friends - both old and new. It really was such a truly great time!

 What am I loving?

I'm loving all the fresh veggies we can get, for fairly inexpensive prices, here in Dakar. We may not have the big selection we can get in the US. But I'm happy with hauls like this. Cherry tomatoes, bell peppers, green onions, cilantro, zucchini, and corn on the cob, all for about $7.50.

What have I been up to?

I spent far more time in my classroom than I do at home. So what have I been up to? I've been teaching and working with these incredible people God has placed in my care. That entails far more than can fit in a simple "box" on a blog post. But suffice it to say... I've been busy :)

What am I dreading? 

Nothing at the moment :)

What am I working on?

I had to renew my passport yesterday. Oh the stories this passport, and the one before it, could tell. Tales of mission trips as a college student, when God first called me into missions. Tales of vacations in other countries since flights from this part of the world are just a tiny fraction of the cost as they are when flying from the US. Tales of mission conferences in other countries. Tales of itineration/fundraising trips back to the US, connecting with missions supporters and sharing my heart for the incredible people God has called me to work with. Tales of traveling back and forth between the US and Senegal, my two "homes" for all these years. And so many more...

 What am I excited about?

Nothing big or shareable at the moment :)

What am I watching?

I've been watching my way through Seinfeld lately. It's such a dumb show. But it does, definitely, make me laugh. And I'm a big fan of giving my brain a break some in the evenings. So it does the trick :)

What am I reading?

I started reading "Flipping ADHD on its Head" by Dr. Jim Poole, a few weeks ago. It's a good read, but because it's so informative and I want to truly focus on the material, it's taking me a bit longer than usual to read it. I hope to finish it this upcoming weekend, though.

What am I listening to?

A friend shared this song on Facebook a while back and I quickly went and downloaded it from iTunes. It's been my go-to worship song, on repeat, ever since... I love the part that says, 

"I pray for your healing. 
That circumstances would change. 
I pray that the fear inside would flee in Jesus' name. 
I pray that a breakthrough would happen today. 
I pray miracles over your life in Jesus' name..."

What am I wearing?

Nothing exciting :)

 What am I doing this weekend?

The usual... 

Lesson Planning
Grocery Shopping
Sleep. Eat. Repeat.

What am I looking forward to next month?

I have some fun stuff planned in my various classes. I also need to start finalizing my summer plans. ** Shameless plug time - Want to hear about the work happening in Senegal and beyond? Contact me to set up a service today. I'd love to come share my heart with your church, small group/class, etc. Or even to set up a time to meet for coffee or dinner...

Favorite recent Amazon find?

Nothing new for me... I did find a fun surprise gift for my sister-in-law. However, I can't share it here since the gift hasn't arrived to her house, yet. But can I just say how awesome online shopping is? I love that I can still easily buy gifts and things for people and have it shipped directly to them, even if I'm living a few thousand miles and an ocean away.

What's new this month?

Nothing much...

And that's what I'm up to this month.

What about you?

What are YOU up to this month?

1 comment:

  1. That fresh produce looks AMAZING as we sit here in the dead of winter. It makes me miss summer produce! And that conference sounds so refreshing and fun.
